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A/N  finishing my last diploma today!! so excited to be free hehe 

The low clamour of voices woke him once again and Jiang Zhilan quickly sat up; or, as best as he could with an aching body. With his heart beating almost too slowly in his chest, Jiang Zhilan clutched that piece of broken wood in his hand and crept towards the back of the covered carriage. Between the tightly covered planks, he couldn't see anything, only the faint glow of firelight reflected in his eyes through a crack.

The vague conversation died out, replaced by a frantic set of footsteps, beating like the drum beats of a ritual to the gods. They flowed through his chest, and Jiang Zhilan had the illusion that his whole body was rattling along.

With a rough sound, the back of the carriage was torn open. Jiang Zhilan shot to his feet, his gaze like a fierce ghost and the wood in his hands swinging down in a powerful motion. However, the motion that stole all his strength was stopped by a single, warm hand, their grip wrapping almost devotedly around his injured wrist in a soft kiss. Jiang Zhilan's bloodshot gaze crashed into a pair of haggard phoenix eyes. His breath stagnated, the wood piece dropping from his lax grip.

His head spun as he dropped bonelessly. Those hands caught him, pulling him into a warm embrace, his face pushed into a soft layer of cloth. He felt a single, trembling touch on his forehead, delicate as a butterfly's wings. Jiang Zhilan made a choked sound, his fingers grasping almost desperately at the fabric.

Liu Qingyuan kissed his hair, gaze feverish. "You're okay." His own voice held an undercurrent of anxiety and unsteadiness. "Jiang Zhilan, I'm here." The king could hear his own heartbeat pounding madly in his ears, almost drowning out the words. He felt faint but still, he clung to him. "Zhilan, Zhilan, I came too late. I'm sorry."

In the next second, he felt a warmth drop onto his shoulders, Liu Qingyuan's coat; his feet lifted away from the ground, nestling into a strong embrace. Carrying him horizontally, Liu Qingyuan strode quickly away from the broken-down carriage, entering the largest tent in the camp. He placed Jiang Zhilan carefully on the bed, brushing away his hair from his face as he crouched down at his feet. A thumb rubbed under his eye, sweeping away the tears and dirt mixed onto his skin. Jiang Zhilan felt him trembling, controlling his strength even when all he wanted to do was crush the king in his hold.

"Tell me, where does it hurt?" Liu Qingyuan's voice was steady and calm, but the grip on his arm betrayed his emotions. It was as if he dared to let go even a little, the king would vanish from his sight. Six months had been too long to bear, feeling too much like six years.

Jiang Zhilan stared at that face, those sword eyebrows and phoenix eyes. The steady dependence and stoic expression that slowly morphed into anxiety at his silence. Tears welled up again. "...it hurts," he croaked, voice rough, the tears falling from his eyes, "Qingyuan it hurts so much."

Liu Qingyuan's hands shook as he hurriedly wiped those tears. "I'm here. He gathered him into his arms as the soft sobs leaked unbidden from his throat. "I'm sorry," Liu Qingyuan closed his exhausted eyes, lips pursed. If I was earlier, you wouldn't have suffered this grievance.

"...water." Jiang Zhilan licked his lips, feeling dizzy from dehydration. Liu Qingyuan reached for the teapot, only to feel the water had gone cold. He anxiously stood up.

"I-...I'll be back. Don't-" Don't leave.

"It's fine." Jiang Zhilan reached for the pot, his thirst almost driving him crazy. Liu Qingyuan clenched his fist, silently warring between the desire to comply and to protect his body; warm water was better for him. He still helped him lift a cup to his lips. It was only after Jiang Zhilan had downed three cups that he'd finally put it down. He leaned bonelessly against Liu Qingyuan, hearing the clink of the jade cup and a gentle touch on his wrist. Deep anger rose in Liu Qingyuan's gaze as he lowered his head to kiss those wounds. Jiang Zhilan mumbled softly, "I'm still dirty."

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