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Back at the palace, the news that the king had gone missing from the hunting party was carried back by a gossiping servant. Soon, rumours spread like wildfire and General Fu's efforts were for naught. He'd hoped to suppress the news at the location of the autumn hunt to prevent panic. Who would have thought that he'd not even got a shred of a clue before everyone suddenly knew. The palace was even several days away! Only heaven knew how word had reached them so quickly.

Meanwhile in the eldest prince's study...

"Your highness!" A maid servant burst through the doors abruptly. The brush in Jiang Baiyi's hand quavered, messing up a stroke.

"Who said you could barge into here!" He threw down the brush, his eyes flicking up momentarily. The maid immediately crashed to her knees, head bowed. Ink stained the white paper in irregular blots as the brush rolled.

"Nubi is wrong, nubi deserves punishment!" Although Jiang Baiyi was handsome in a dark masculine way, the servants around him knew, also, of his temperament. He was a cruel man.

Jiang Baiyi glanced down at her shriveled form in disgust. "What is it? Hurry up and spit it out." The maid didn't dare to raise her head, only raising her upper body a little.

"Nubi has heard a rumour recently. The king...the king is missing!"

Jaing Baiyi's eyes flashed. "Tell me what happened."

The maid raised her head in excitement, her eyes showing her happiness to have hit such a pot of gold. "Nubi is dumb and doesn't know much but apparently, on the first day of the hunt, the king went missing half-way through the afternoon. There were assassins involved and General Fu who was present at the hunt, even tried to suppress the news! How shameless!" she berated.

Jiang Baiyi didn't care for her outburst. A slow smile spread on his face and he let out an 'En.' Like an evil villain, he steepled his fingers in front of his mouth and leaned forward. "Is he dead?" The maid was a bit startled by the inauspicious words but the king wasn't her master anyways.

"Nubi...doesn't know." Jiang Baiyi hmphed and the maid lowered her head fretfully.

"Fine...whatever." Jiang Baiyi was in a good mood. Something had befallen his fortuneous brother, how could he not be happy? However, with that cursed phoenix mark, he wouldn't be surprised if he somehow came out unscathed. He must not squander this opportunity!

"Spread this around subtly. If you do well, you can collect bonus pay later." The maid's eyes lit up unscrupulously.

"Yes, your highness!" She kowtowed low. Jiang Baiyi dismissed her and she scrambled up, eager to start her work. Who cares if she slanders others when she can live a good life under the eldest prince? Maybe she'd even gain his favour...

"What about that guard?" Jiang Baiyi interrupted. He'd just remembered that bold-eyed new guard that'd even dare defy him. After his jiadi* perished, he could do whatever he wanted to that little shit. Having him beg for mercy wasn't enough; he'd crush his soul.

(*Jiadi - Younger brother (polite))

Jiang Baiyi was not a frivolous person. He momentarily dispelled these desires from his head. He wasn't such a fool. First he had to make sure the king really died. Only then could he take back what had originally been his and take possession of everything else that he wanted.

"Nubi...is not sure," the maid said a little uncertainly. "But I think he also disappeared." Jiang Baiyi's frown deepened. If that Liu person was assigned as his brother's bodyguard, he definitely wasn't simple. He sneered bitterly at the revelation that the king's chance of survival had risen. Then he suddenly smiled, remembering the soul tearing poison that he'd given to the assassin's. Maybe it all wasn't so bad.

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