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A/N  from here on out I've changed the names to Liu Qingyuan and Jiang Zhilan. Technically, those are there full names anyways but I've been calling them Qing Yuan and Zhi Lan which in hindsight, doesn't seem 'proper'. Anyways yeah, enjoy, and lemme know if I missed any names(of the other characters as well) :)

"Whoosh." The wooden door frame slid open with a soft sound and Liu Qingyuan turned his head slightly, gaze meeting with the King's own. He bowed his head and greeted, "Your majesty."

"Mm." Jiang Zhilan smiled, taking the lead down the hallway with Eunuch Shuang trailing after the pair of them. "Did you have breakfast yet?"

"Yes, your majesty." Jiang Zhilan nodded in response. Eunuch Shuang squinted, looking between the two of them. Between Liu Qingyuan's stoic face and the King's cheer-y one, there was not a hair out of place. Yet, Eunuch Shuang had the distinct feeling that the atmosphere wasn't quite right. He secretly dabbed at the sweat on his forehead. Perhaps the stress was getting to him. Unfortunately, the day continued on as such, with the king smiling widely at everyone, with his icy bodyguard trailing behind him. It was the picture of perfect harmony and yet to Eunuch Shunag, also a picture of oddity.

"Your majesty, are you in a good mood?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Jiang Zhilan hummed, not looking up as his hands decimated the pile of documents on his desk at lightning speed.

"Ah, that's good, that's good. Happiness brings a long life."

"Of course, wouldn't it?" The king replied absentmindedly as he ate his dinner at lightning speed.

"You must be tired."

"Of course I am" The king said shortly. He tugged the last outer sleeping robe out of Eunuch Shuang's hands and shooed him towards the door, hands waving at lightning speed. "You can retire now."

"Yes, your majesty," Eunuch Shuang mumbled. He felt like his head was spinning rapidly on his shoulders, unable to keep up with the pace of the world. Promptly kicked out, Eunuch Shuang adjusted his hat, wiped the sweat on his forehead and sent a perfunctory nod at Liu Qingyuan before setting down the hall with slightly unsteady steps.

"Guards!" The call came a few seconds later. Liu Qingyuan furrowed his brow slightly, glancing at the other guards posted further down the hall. They didn't seem to have heard it. He turned and knocked gently on the door.

"Your majesty? Is something wrong?" There was no answer. He pushed open the bedroom doors without a second thought.

"Is there-" His words were cut off as his breath was pushed out of his lungs, arms wrapping tightly around his neck as another body collided with his own. "You-"

Jiang Zhilan buried his face in his collar, arms squeezing the life out of the man before him. "Finally! It's been a few days already, I thought I'd go crazy!"

"Your majesty..." Slightly flustered, Liu Qingyuan glanced back, making sure the doors were closed behind him. He touched Jiang Zhilan's waist slightly in an effort to pull him off and realized that the king had discarded his outer robe somewhere within the room. "Aren't you...cold?" He asked faintly. Jiang Zhilan finally let go, only to grasp Liu Qingyuan's arms and pull them towards himself in a sort of half-hug.

"Not with you here." He paused, face flushing red at the realization of his own words. Liu Qingyuan's hands clenched into fists, but nevertheless, he pulled away. After several unsuccessful attempts, the king resorted to clinging to him like an octopus.

"Your majesty-" Liu Qingyuan struggled to free himself. "It's broad dayl-" He stopped himself, remembering with dismay that it was already nighttime.

"It's night time now," Jiang Zhilan said mischievously. "What do men and women do at night?" Any sane person knew the answer to that. Liu Qingyuan couldn't help but let his ears blush. Jiang Zhilan smirked, but he let him off the hook. "I'll let go, if you kiss me."

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