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"Mm..." Liu Qingyuan furrowed his brow, tilting his head away to escape that tickling feeling. But it continued to follow him, ghosting over his cheek and neck before biting lightly on his earlobe. He cracked open his eyes, voice mellow from sleep, completely unguarded in a way he could only be with one person. "What are you doing?"

"You're awake."

The sun shone through the tent's entrance in gentle streams, warming the simple rugs placed over the dirt floors. Jiang Zhilan rolled over in the bed, his long hair scattering behind him. He leaned over Liu Qingyuan, looking at his face for a while. Liu Qingyuan, seeing nothing was seriously wrong, lazily closed his eyes again, reaching up to hook Jiang Zhilan around the neck.

"You should rest more. Your injuries haven't healed yet." Jiang Zhilan put a hand out, preventing himself from being pressed into his chest.

"Don't worry, they're healing well. Look," Jiang Zhilan reached out, tugging at the bandages on his wrists. They fell away, crusted in blood, to reveal smooth skin marred by bruises. Even so, the wounds themselves had already healed. "You just want to sleep in a bit, don't you?" He teased. Liu Qingyuan's hold around his waist tightened, drawing him closer. The king leaned down quickly, planting a fleeting kiss on those thin lips. Liu Qingyuan's half-lidded eyes immediately opened, the tops of his ears flushing pink. "What?" Jiang Zhilan raised a hand, pressing a finger over his lips. "You're already my person, am I not allowed?"

"I-" Liu Qingyuan tried to rise, but Jiang Zhilan pushed him back down and raised an eyebrow.

"Who said you could get up?"

"Your majesty...," Liu Qingyuan said helplessly.

"What did you call me?"

"I..." A rare embarrassment flashed across his gaze but he still moved to give him a gentle, placating kiss, calling out at the same time, "...Zhilan." A silence fell, a suppressed smile curving the king's lips. Liu Qingyuan held his gaze, raising an eyebrow in turn. "What? You wanted me to call you, but now that I've said it, you don't want to hear it?"

"It's...it's not that..." Jiang Zhilan averted his gaze. It had truly been too long since someone called him by his name instead of 'your majesty', 'your highness', or some other title. "Can you...call me again? I-!" In a flurry of motion, Jiang Zhilan's vision spun and he found himself looking up at Liu Qingyuan, his hands pressed to the mattress beneath him.

"Zhilan," His name fell from those lips in a magnetic tone and Jiang Zhilan's face flushed red. "Behave yourself, hm?" Liu Qingyuan's gaze was sultry. "Otherwise..."

"Im-impudence! You dare threaten me?" Jiang Zhilan bit his lip, squirming a little. But Liu Qingyuan's grip didn't lessen. Fine, if you want to play, I can only play along! A gleam entered the king's eye and his brow furrowed slightly. "Be a bit gentler..."

Fearful of his injuries, Liu Qingyuan loosened his grip. "Sorry I-" Before he could speak further, a warm touch reached into his clothes, pressing against his chest.

Liu Qingyuan, "!!!"

"Wow~ Captain Liu, you've really been working hard."

"Where are you touching!" Liu Qingyuan grabbed the king's wandering hand, but Jiang Zhilan just pulled his other hand free, acting mischievous and tugging Liu Qingyuan's drooping collar open further. "Ai-you really-!" In a deft movement, Liu Qingyuan pinned Jiang Zhilan's hand under his knees, straightening to fix his collar. Jiang Zhilan bucked his hips, barely moving at all.

"You're too heavy!" Liu Qingyuan leaned over, kissing the king's face.

"You shouldn't have provoked me."

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