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A/N edited this on the phone so excuse any mistakes. Also the formatting might be a bit weird until I can check it on the computer

The king had sent him to deliver another package to the queen dowager. Despite feeling disgruntled at being reduced to a delivery boy, Liu Qingyuan relented. It was a good opportunity to glance over the dowager's rooms. After all, if there was no clue about the Qiangda flower in the king's chambers, or the vault, then it must be in the imperial mother's possession.

As he approached the palace, the maid standing at the door stepped forward. "Sir," she greeted.

Liu Qingyuan lifted the package of herbal tea in his hands. "It's a gift from his majesty."

"Oh..." She looked troubled and suddenly bowed down. "Nubi* is new. I'll have to trouble you to tuck it away yourself."

(*Nubi - Slave servant, a way that maids address themselves)

"En." Slightly pleased with this development, Liu Qingyuan stepped past. The maid quickly called him back.

"Her majesty is not in currently. You...you know where to place it?" she trailed off uncertaintly.

"En." The king had given him clear instructions. Brushed off by his short reply, the maid let him go. Liu Qingyuan pushed open the door, looking around with sharp eyes. The room was a common arrangement, aligned with the feng shui* to harmonize the inhabitants of the room. Despite the commonality, the objects in the room were of top quality. Liu Qingyuan even thought he saw a table made of huanghuali.**

(*Feng Shui - A way to govern spatial arrangement in relation to the flow of energy)
(**Huanghuali - Type of wood)

He moved to a cabinet in the side room, quietly putting away the tea. The interior of the cabinet was fragrant from the tea leaves; it was no doubt a favorite of the dowager's. With a glance at the door, Liu Qingyuan moved swiftly, flipping through the various documents and books. He searched the entire room, seeing neither hide nor hair of useful information.

There was one last locked cabinet in the right wing side room. The lock was soft and old and quickly succumbed to Liu Qingyuan's efforts. The cabinet door was quickly opened but when the content's were revealed, he was sorely disappointed! All there was were some dusty, forgotten books, a few trinkets and a jade green vase.It really made him wonder why the cabinet was locked in the first place!

Liu Qingyuan sighed eternally. It was expected that it wasn't going to be this easy but one could hope. He heard movement outside and silently closed the cabinet. However, in the midst of the action, the jade vase wobbled as if pushed by an invisible hand. His luck really was terrible!!

Liu Qingyuan was forced to let go of the door, instead reaching out a hand to steady the vase. The maid from before stopped in her tracks at the sight and the room paused for a moment. "You..." Her eyes took in the awkward position and dropped to the old lock in Liu Qingyuan's other hand. "This cabinet...you're not supposed to..." Her big eyes widened and she started to back away. Seeing that she was going to call for help, Liu Qingyuan quickly shut the cabinet, appearing in front of her in a second.

Panicked, the maid retreated against a pillar, opening her mouth to scream. Liu Qingyuan quickly put a hand over her mouth. "Be good," he whispered. The maid looked up fearfully and saw the ice in his eyes, body shaking even more. Liu Qingyuan's jaw ticked as he watched tears flood her eyes. Were all women quick to tears like this? It was a little annoying...The king's temperament was infinitely better.

The other maid, who was outside, did not hear any noise for a long time. She leaned towards the door and called, "Xiao4 Ju, does the gongzi need help?" Liu Qingyuan turned back to Xiao Ju and his severe gaze sent another chill through her body. The warning was clear in his eyes as he slowly removed his hand. After a prompting look, the maid turned to the door.

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