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A/N  Chapter was almost 4k so *ahem* i chopped it~

"Empress Dowager!" Xiu Ying bowed lowly, elegantly taking a seat in the chair to the Dowager's right.

"A-ying, what's the matter?" The Empress Dowager picked up the teacup by her wrist and calmly took a sip. Although she called Xiu Ying so intimately, it was, after all, a sort of formality. Having been the head of the harem for two eras, she was naturally practiced in keeping a balance between the various noble families involved in the inner court. As long as they didn't try to cause big trouble or undermine her authority, she was quite lenient. Just that the king refused to do more than cordially greet them every so often.

"Your majesty is so intelligent, I'm sure you've heard some things," Xiu Ying said vaguely. Which woman didn't gossip in the palace? Knowledge was power and gossip and rumours meant staying on top of things. However all these things were acknowledged in private; saying it outright was simply uncouth!

"Hmp! Are you referring to the king's disinterest in you?" Xiu Ying's delicate actions paused and she flushed in shame, a mixture of indignation and anger rising on her face. "These things can only be handled by one's capabilities," The Dowager continued. Xiu Ying's fingers clenched, fighting to keep the sneer off her face from the indirect jab. This lousy old woman! She coughed meekly instead.

"It's not this..." She paused slyly. "I've just heard some unpleasant rumours that the king...seems to be close to his guard." She let the words hang in the air. The Dowager paused, but still did not comment. Xiu Ying continued uncertainly, "Isn't it improper?"

"What's there to worry about?" The Dowager cast a discerning eye in her direction. "His guard is not a young maiden." Xiu Ying grit her teeth.

"Your majesty...I'm sure you understand..."

The Dowager finally put down her teacup. Of course she understood. She'd heard the rumours after all. But which ruler didn't have special...hobbies? "Hmph, talking about the king's affairs? Aren't you the improper one here?" Xiu Ying could clearly see her contemptuous gaze. This hypocrite! She was clearly making it hard for her. But the Dowager was far above her station so she could only grit her teeth and put on a false smile.

"Xiu Ying sees the error of her ways. Thank you, Empress Dowager, for these this humble consort." The Dowager turned her gaze away, picking up the teacup once again.

"Aiya...maybe I should go to the temple to pray more often. Maybe the king will be blessed with an heir soon." Her meaning: 'Instead of fussing about this, shouldn't you be trying to get pregnant?!' Xiu Ying's teeth were about to be ground into dust. She'd come to the Dowager hoping that she could get help in getting that guard kicked out or removed, but instead, this old woman turned a blind eye and even highlighted her own failures in return! This was like picking up a stone only to drop it on your own foot!

"Your majesty-"

"Li Hong, I'm tired now, take me to rest." The old maid beside the Dowager helped her up. Another scurried to Xiu Ying's side.

"This way, Noble Consort." The old woman was kicking her out! Just you wait! Sparing another evil glance at the Dowager's receding back, she left the exquisite palace in a huff.


"Who does he think he is? That sly beggar, ugh!" Xiu Ying kicked a stone in a very unlady-like fashion. Her maid beside her was frantically scanning the garden's surroundings, hurriedly trying to get her mistress to lower her voice.

"My lady, please lower your volume."

"What? Are you trying to order me around too?!" Xiu Ying raised her hand, slapping the maid's fair little cheek.

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