Ten | Flashback

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When I born, I always think how cruel the world is. Why? I'm blaming everyone why my biological parents died. My parents are kind person but why? Why people blaming my parents that they obviously can't do their accusations.

Accusing an innocent people. I hate those people. The trauma never leave me, every night, the day where I lost my everything. It's haunting me everytime.

Killing a parents in the front of a child. They're drown in their own blood. Hearing them cough non-stop along with a blood coming out in their mouth. Hearing their faint voices.

“L-live for us.”

Mom and Dad. That's their both last words to me. They leave me alone in this cruel world. Isn't I'm too young to live alone?

I touch their body. Even it's dark, the moon shine and let it's light help me. A scene where mom and dad smile, holding their hands to together. Their smile, a  genuine smile that my parents flashes to me every time, every second, everyday.

But today. Those were the last smile that they give and leave me. I can't blame them that they lose their lives, I blame those people who kill innocent people.

I live my life alone in our cold apartment. Both of your bodies were found. Everyone thoughts I was throw in the river and never found alive. They got cremate but never have a peacefu burial.

For a weeks of living in that cold apartment. Eating cup noodles, never clean the messe I do. Reading the books in my mom and dad's room. I've learned everything by reading the books they been reading everytime.

I heard some knocks but didn't bother to look for it. Mom always remind me that, if she or dad was in a business trip. When someone knocks in the door never open it unless mom or dad call the phone that someone was coming over.


I went under the bed after hearing the door was open by unknown. Hearing the door creaks it's give me goosebumps. Putting my hands over my mouth.

“Where is he?”

“Are you sure that kid was here?”

“Yeah, he doesn't have a relative to stay in. Best option is, to stay in his parents apartment.”


Heard them talking but stopped in the midway when someone open the door of my parent's room. Total of unknown people were three. Based in their foot/shoes. A kid, a man.and a women.

“Shouyou, you shouldn't open things without permission.”

“But sister, you open the fire earlier without asking the kid's permission.”

“I have a valid reason to open it.”

“Mh. Okay.”

I watch the boy starts to walk but stops in the door. My heart was beating so fast, sweating in nervous. Scared if he catch me hiding.

“What's wrong Shouyou?”

I heard this kid's name, Shouyou chuckle and grabbed the book that I read earlier. He out it back where it belong. I thought in safe.

Silently exhaling to finally breathe comfortably but as I open my eyes I was greeted by a golden amber orbs shining. He smile...

“Found ya!”

He cheered and gently grab my wrist. Pulling me out under the bed. Standing up so straight, i...

I was tall and he was short. I can't stop my self from laughing. Seriously this kid, it must coincidence if he find  me.

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