Fifteen| Who is who

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           Hinata Shouyo's Point of View

"C'mon, don't be shy Shouyo-kun. No one will know."a voice that came from his back.

The voice of none other Atsumu Miya.

‘Two option, I'll confess who am I or I'll act dumb not knowing who is this Zayn Alora.’Hinata thought as he look deep into Osamu eyes.

"ehh? Are you shy shou-shou?" Atsumu said as he went and sit next to his twin.

‘ah great, his trying to taunt me.’

Hinata just smiled sheepishly as he tilt his head.

“I don't know who is who.”he said as  he slightly scratch his cheeks.

The twin just stayed silent looking down. Hinata just blink twice wishing that they'll take the bait.

“You know, it doesn't matter to us that you are the son of Aziel.”Atsumu muttered still looking down

“Why don't we go back inside and take a nap again, too early for this conversation.”said Osamu who just got up and smile awkwardly to me.

“Yeah, I guess.”Hinata muttered, stooding up and left the both.

Entering the mansion, a cold breeze welcome me. He sighed and continue his way to his own room.

‘Doesnt matter ey, coming from you I think I should avoid you. You are really suspicious person, Sumu, 'Tsumu.’Hinata thought as he open the door.

There he saw a silhouette of a tall person. But in a seconds its disappear in the thin air. Looking around scanning what new to my room.

“Silhouette of a tall person, by taking a guess it's between 175 cm tall.”

Smirking as he went straight to the open window. Looking around outside, looking for something that got to pull a clue.

“Seems like someone pull the reverse card, Who is Who.”

After a minute starring at the shadow of the cherry blossom tree he sighs and he close the window then untie the curtains.

He goes to his bed sitting on the top, hugging a pillow as he stared at his own reflection in the mirror.

Amethyst crystal eyes.

Dark long hair.

“How disgusting I am.”

Laying down, feeling sleepy Hinata slowly close his eyes as he drift to sleep.

        -•| N E X T   D A Y   M O R N I N G |•-

Hinata wokes up feeling so hot, he stood up but in a seconds he fell down. He couldn't breathe easily, he crawl towards the bathroom.

He couldn't open the door because he couldn't reach the knob but, in shock he just push it slightly and boom. The bathroom was open then, he went inside.

Catching his breathe again, he stood up as he leans at the sink. Looking his appearance in the mirror sink. There he saw blood gushing out.

He wash it away but the blood still dripping making him uncomfortable.

“What the heck just happened?”he ask him self. Feeling so cold, his vision starting to get blurred and then he past out...

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