Fourteen|Finding Out?

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After discussing what is what, Hinata Shouyo or know as Zayn Alora arrived at Miya's mansion at exact 10 pm.

Only the crickets sounds were heard and the harsh wind that sways every trees branch.

In the dark hallway that leads to his room, he felt a warm air behind him. Then there it is, his mouth were covered by hands and a arm on his waist pulling him to the person behind him.

Hinata didn't struggled  but he used force to shook the hand away from his mouth and escape from that arm.

"Hey, relax. It's me Samu."

"What do you want?!" Hinata ask silently but in the tone that shows irritates.

"Calm down, we're just worried why you run away in school and you didn't come home 5 even you run away from us."

"Oh really, suddenly you're worried about me huh? Well, I just went out and take a stroll around."

Osamu sighs in relief and gave the ravenatte guy a paper bag.

"I don't know if you already eat dinner but here eat this I made this and someone just messing around while I'm cooking."

"I can tell who was that, anyways thank you." Hinata said as he grabbed the paper bag and went inside his room.

Putting the paper bag in the coffee table along with his backpack, he took his towel and went straight to his own bathroom.

After awhile, his done taking a shower he puts his pajamas and glances at the paper bag.

'I wonder if he puts poison on it.' He thought, shaking his head as he smile.

"Let's eat." He muttered and open the paper bag. Two sandwich that filled of ham, lettuce, tomatoes even there's a sauce in it.

He take small bite then his eyes widen. He hums after taking a bite of the sandwich. After his done eating he brush his teeth.

He lay down and stare at the ceiling.

'So when I'll start?' He thinks

A small knocks on his door as he said come in. Didn't even bother to give small glances.

"Hey." They said slowly approaching the ravenette boy.

"Where did you go earlier? We've been looking for you about an hour?" He asked.

"Why do bother looking for me? Suddenly I'm in your concerned?" Hinata reply, raising one of his eyebrow and finally looked at the guy beside him.

"I have things to do and that's none of your business, Atsumu. As far as I remember you never seem interested on the business I do, am I right?"

"Well, we're brothers now." Atsumu muttered looking down.

"What made you think we're brothers?"

Eyes wide open, clenching his fist.

"My father adopted and we give you a nice bed, a food and a school. And that's all mean, I own you."

Hinata was kinda shock but hide his reaction. He just laugh like he acts Atsumu was joking.

"No, I'm dead serious." Atsumu said and harshly put his hands and he made hinata look at him straightly and closely to him.

"I own you, Hinata Shouyo or should I say Mr. Alora?"

Hinata shove Atsumu away, and grab his pillows, raising it to the air.
"Weirdo, first of all you don't fvcking own me and who the hck that Alora dude?!" He shouted not caring if someone might hear them.

Atsumu stands straightly, and then he acts the real Atsumu. Scratching the back of his head as he tilt it.

"Nah bro, just kidding. I'm practicing the role that Ms. Eba gave me." He smile sheepishly and laugh.

"HAHAHAHA sorry to bother you bro." He said and went out before he close the door...

"Excellent answers to my act, Sir." Then he close the door.

Shouyo didn't say any words after knowing that Atsumu have been left. Hinata chuckles after he know that Atsumu left.

"Yikes, I smell something dangerous."

     --• Fast Forward •--

Hinata wokes up, he yawned as he stretches his arms to the air. He blinks twices and stared at the wall clock.

"2:15 am, it's too early." He muttered as he walk down to the kitchen to drink cold water.

"Hm, isn't Shoyo."
Hinata hums and glances at the person behind him. He stared at those smokey grey orbs, and the reflection of the bright full moon that have been stayed all the time in the dark sky.

"Oh, hey." Hinata replied as he gently put the glass of water in the sink. He was ready to go back at his room but Osamu stops him.

"Shouyo, can I talk to you?"

"About what?"


He shrugged of whatever Osamu's topic. Hinata hums as Osamu gesture to follow him to the garden.

'Am I about to find out???'

Sitting in the opposite chair, the both looking each other neutral.

"Is there something you and Kita-san?"Osamu asked looking down on rocky ground.

"Nope, I just know him. I've meet him few years ago before my father die." Hinata said, as he yawns.

"One last question." Osamu said, as he looks directly to Hinata's eyes. Like he wants to know everything.

Hinata just nodded not caring about it.

"Are you really Zayn Alora, the son of Aziel?"

A moment of silence in between, Hinata blink not just twice but thrice in shock. He nervously laugh.

"What are you talking about, Osamu?" He asked acting he doesn't know anything. Osamu sighed and he cross both of his elbow.

"C'mon, don't be shy Shouyo-kun. No one will know."a voice that came his back.

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