When you’re a new reborn Christian,
A baby, a babe in Christ,
It’s hard to let go
For the things you love when you’re a sinner.You were prone into coming back
To the doings of the ungodly,
Seeking for appreciation of the world
When you were loved by the Lord.And you came back of the you before,
Unsure of letting go for you were charmed,
Thinking you were already saved,
Why not enjoy the pleasures of the world.Then you came to God,
Crying, you didn’t want to be in the world
For you know it’s a sin
And you know God hates sin.You were guided out by God,
Yet you’re tempted back to the world
Because of peer pressure.
You didn’t want to be left behind so you did join.When you were doing the things in the world,
You grieved the Holy Spirit.
Doing sinfulness, swaying away from Him.
But God has a way to bring you back through His Words.It happened like a fare;
You traveled back and forth.
Letting to win the old sinful nature,
Or sometimes making the new nature win.“You can’t serve two masters:
Either you will hate the other,
And love the other;” taken from Luke 16:13,
“Or hold to the one, and despise the other.”“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways,” taken from James 1:8.
That was true for you’re unstable;
Not letting God guide through His Word.“For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe,” taken from Hebrews 5:13.
Makes sense ‘cause you’re that.“As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:” taken from 1 Peter 2:2.
“Be not children in understanding:
Howbeit in malice be ye children,” taken from 1 Corinthians 14:20.Let go and let God do your struggles for you.
Get on your knees and pray.
Open your Bible and start meditating His Words.
You will bear fruit.
Mga Tula (Poems)
PoetryMga Tula is a bunch of poems compiled and made by my vague mind. Some of these compilation of poems were taken from the stories I made. There are also poems made by my cousins and also, poems made by myself. So please, beware of dog. Ay este. Words...