Moving out of this assumption,
Was I far way out of her league,
Basted even I have yet asked,
Can’t even stand right beside.Years of trying to rid this off,
Years spent in agony and cold,
Been on my own yet not for good,
Was thinking I did; I did not, yet again.Moving on to the path of life,
Need You now, so yes, I do;
Your master plan is ingenious,
My scheme of games are bagatelle.Trusting You is the best option,
Loving You is the best decision;
Changed my life, yes You do,
Constantly renews my points.
Mga Tula (Poems)
PuisiMga Tula is a bunch of poems compiled and made by my vague mind. Some of these compilation of poems were taken from the stories I made. There are also poems made by my cousins and also, poems made by myself. So please, beware of dog. Ay este. Words...