Looking around me,
I never thought I was so selfish
To try ignoring reality.Seeing their lives,
I realized I’ve been praying
Only for myself.Witnessing their weakest,
I figured I could have done something,
Then I pray for them.
Mga Tula (Poems)
PoetryMga Tula is a bunch of poems compiled and made by my vague mind. Some of these compilation of poems were taken from the stories I made. There are also poems made by my cousins and also, poems made by myself. So please, beware of dog. Ay este. Words...
Around Me
Looking around me,
I never thought I was so selfish
To try ignoring reality.Seeing their lives,
I realized I’ve been praying
Only for myself.Witnessing their weakest,
I figured I could have done something,
Then I pray for them.