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You’re a true believer, a servant of Christ.
You followed Him in the life full of mist.

You’re a Bible-abiding lady; so modest,
Yet you fell for his sweaty lips.

You moved on your own,
Came with unequally yoked.

You ignored every Bible verses they said,
About God wasn’t happy with this liaison.

You insisted that God loves you,
That He wanted you to be happy, too.

You kept on convincing them,
Yet you were merely convincing yourself.

You were warned for your own good,
Yet you left home though for good.

You decided to elope with him,
Thinking you can make him change.

Yet you failed.
And it is a mistake you couldn’t go back and change.

Because the One Who can change a man;
Is Christ, God the Son and the last Adam.

Now, he’s a changed man.
He changed because he saw Christ in his woman.

It was a battle you faced with God;
Putting on the whole armour of God.

Praying for years without ceasing;
Weeping for God for him to believe.

Then it happened when you were abused,
Yet you never leave him and tended him instead.

He saw the eyes of his submissive woman,
Reflecting His Glory, ‘cause you’re the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

You’re an epitome of a virtuous woman;
Gently prodding him to see you as the crown of every husband.

You were full of love and peace, which he didn’t have.
Then he suddenly asked that brought more happiness in your heart.

“Who is keeping you in our marriage?
Why aren’t you leaving me like the world does?”

“God. He’s the One keeping me in this relationship.
Because without Him, I am nothing.

“Without Him dying on the cross, buried, and rose again for my sins, I would surely be present in the lake of fire when I die.

“I am His follower and I follow what He says.
‘The woman who has an unbeliever husband and he is willing to live with her, she must not leave him.’”

“Did you sorrow when you followed me?
Did you regret our marriage?”

“I sorrowed for I didn’t follow the Word of God
That should have prevented me to feel such heartbreak.

“But I still worship Him in every worse and greatness in my life.
I worship Him now about you asking about God.

“I never plan on walking out of you
Because I love you.

“But I came to love you because I was loved by God first of all.
And you’re not an exemption for His love.

“His blood cleanse our sins; you and I,
His love is greater than ours for He died for everyone.”

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