I am beautiful.
I was made beautiful.
Even when people say I am not beautiful,
But in Him, I am beautiful.I am wonderful.
I was made wonderful.
Even when people say I am not wonderful,
But in Him, I am wonderful.I am full of fear,
Yet I was fearfully made by love and care.
Even when people say I was full of fear,
But in Him, I am fearfully made fair.I am not perfect.
Because of sin, I was never been perfect.
Even when people think I was disappointment,
But in Him, I become perfect.
Mga Tula (Poems)
PoetryMga Tula is a bunch of poems compiled and made by my vague mind. Some of these compilation of poems were taken from the stories I made. There are also poems made by my cousins and also, poems made by myself. So please, beware of dog. Ay este. Words...