Chapter 14

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        Cyrus walked away from the bedroom quietly running her words through his head. How could she think he was so black hearted when she didn't even know anything about him. He sighed as he leaned against a wall and bowed his head. He supposed she had every right to hate him in the situation he had forced her into. Was it so wrong to want someone though. Cyrus slammed his fist against the wall at the thought. Why the hell did he care what she thought of him, he had never cared what people had thought of him before not even his own brothers and sisters. Pushing it away he walked towards his office again where he had been reading some of his own books.

        He shut the door to his office and moved to sit in his desk chair once more running his hands over his face as he leaned back in it. As he leaned forward to set his arms on his desk, his elbow bumped against something. He looked down at the object tiredly and found it was a phone with a dark purple case over it. Picking it up and pressing the button under the screen making the screen spring to life. His eyes were greeted with a picture of Lillian and her partner smiling at him. Narrowing his eyes at the picture angrily, he slid the arrow across the screen. Thankfully his Princess had never set a password on the phone and it easily opened up to the home screen where he was greeted by a picture of her, Raphael and Gabriel. She appeared to be only about thirteen in the photo but her wide smile and bright eyes that stared at him made him smile slightly.

        It was a side of Lillian he'd never seen. He'd only ever known her as a Hunter and that side of her was what had drawn him to her to begin with. Sighing, he searched around her app boxes and found the app that had all her pictures. Pulling it up, he selected the first picture at the top of the list and was met with a picture of Lillian's partner wearing a fedora with a dorky grin on his face. He appeared no older than fifteen in the picture and the area around him seemed to be in a shopping center of some sort. Rolling his eyes at the idiot his little huntress seemed so obsessed with, he slid to the next picture to be greeted with a picture of Lillian wearing the same fedora while posing with her hands on her hips and a slight seductive smile on her face.

"Now what I wouldn't give to have her smile at me like that." Cyrus muttered, before scrolling to the next one.

        Scrolling through all her pictures he noticed that Lillian seemed to only have pictures of Jack, Gabriel, Raphael or herself. Was my little huntress anti-social in school? Cyrus thought quietly. He reached the end of the pictures to be met with a picture of her at the age she is now wearing a black beanie on her head and dressed in her typical hunting gear with a playfully annoyed look on her face. He stared at the picture, confused by the sudden feeling he had to have her show this side of her to him. Shaking his head, he dropped the phone and rubbed his eyes. He had to be tired or something, the only thing he wanted was to destroy that fire that burned so brightly in Lillian's eyes. The fire that was so familiar to him and that did nothing but bring back bad memories.

        Cyrus angrily scrapped his hands through his hair disheveling it further than it already was. He stood from his desk swiftly and stalked out of his office the door slamming shut behind him. As he walked down the hall he passed Lillian's room where George, who must have returned from the errands he'd been running, was serving her a cup of tea. Lillian was happily chatting away with George and smiling contently as she sipped the tea. It angered Cyrus to no end that she could so easily relax around his butler yet cursed him and readied to fight whenever he entered a room. It made him want to storm in and give her a reason to fight. He growled under his breath and stormed down the hall and down stairs. Stomping through the kitchen, he slammed through a side door beside the fridge and into a large garage. Even though he was a fallen angel and he could easily fly from one place to the next, that hadn't stopped him from indulging in the typical obsession of a normal man: Cars.

        He ran his hand across the sleek black Jaguar that was parked closest to the door. It was one of several sports cars he had in the large garage. Next to the Jaguar was a light blue Nineteen Sixty Six Shelby Cobra that looked like he had just bought it off the lot. Beside that was a bright red Ferrari 458 one of his personal favorites. However, it was the sleek black Suzuki Ninja sports bike that called to him from the far end of the garage. He walked to it his dark boots hitting the concrete floor with loud thumps. As he passed by a set of hooks along the garage wall he pulled off the black leather jacket that hung from one of the hooks and put it on before throwing his leg over the bike. He needed to clear his head and he couldn't think of a better way then speeding through the dark streets of San Diego on his Ninja. He revved up the bike and pushed a button on the wall beside him, opening the garage door. 

        The moment the door was open enough for him to slip under, he leaned forward and shot out of the garage like a bullet. He sped down the road that led up to his home and left it far behind before zipping on to the main road and heading towards the city. He allowed his mind to go blank as he listened to nothing but the wind whipping past his ears. Not many cars were on the roads now that the moon was rising in the sky, but the few cars in his way he whipped around at a dangerous speed. He didn't care though, he needed this to clear his mind of the horrible memories that threatened to assault him and he especially needed to clear his head of Her right now. Otherwise he might do something horrible to Lillian the next time he saw her.

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