Chapter 15

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It was the middle of the night when Lillian heard the sound of a door opening and slamming shut somewhere in the house. She shot up in bed her heart racing a bit. She slowly got out of bed, her bare feet barely making a sound as she moved to the door. Slowly pulling it open, she looked up and down the hall her eyes not catching any movement in the dimly lit hall.

Lillian moved down the hall towards the stairs freezing when she heard someone coming up them. She grabbed the closest thing to her, planning to use it as a weapon, it was a very expensive and old looking vase but it was better than nothing. As the person came into view she had to stop herself from swinging as she realized it was just Cyrus. She huffed in annoyance, making him stop on the top step to look at her.

"What are you doing up Princess?" He asked his eyes falling on the vase in her hands.

"I thought you were some idiot who thought it was smart to come banging around an occupied house." She replied in annoyance.

"Well I assure you, I'm no idiot. Would you rather I have snuck into bed with you?" Cyrus smirked as she tensed at his question.

"I'd rather you go die in a hole then even be in the same room as me." She replied angrily, setting the vase down roughly before spinning on her heels to return to her room.

Lillian could feel him following her down the hall, but refused to give him her attention. She stormed back into the bedroom and got back in the bed angrily pulling the comforter over her. She closed her eyes and ignored the bastard who was still staring at her. It wasn't until she felt the bed dip under his weight that she turned to glare at him. He'd pulled off his boots and socks and had removed his shirt.

"What are you doing?" Lillian demanded angrily.

"Getting in bed, what does it look like Princess?" He asked getting under the comforter as well.

She glared at him for a moment before rolling over and moving as far away from him as possible.

"What's the matter, Lillian?" Cyrus asked moving closer and slinging his arm around her waist. She felt a shiver run down her spine as he used her name, it was the first time she'd actually heard him use it. She tried to wiggle free of his arm, but he simply tightened his grip and pulled her against him. She bit back a growl as Cyrus tucked her head under his chin and set one of his legs between hers.

"Let go." Lillian said angrily still trying to move away from him.

"I'm tired Princess, I won't do anything tonight." He replied quietly, his voice sounding groggy and slurred.

She trusted that as much as she trusted him. It wasn't until his breathing evened out and his grip on her relaxed that she realized he'd actually fallen asleep. Lillian stopped moving after a few moments, ready to fight if he was faking it. However, after a few silent moments she allowed herself to get comfortable. As much as she hated having a fallen this close to her, she didn't want to risk getting retaliation for moving away from him. She carefully moved until she felt comfortable enough to close her eyes and try to sleep.

After several minutes of her laying there with her eyes closed, Lillian concluded she wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon. She sighed softly and opened her eyes again to stare at the large windows that she was facing. She was slowly starting to get hungry as she lay there staring at the stars through the window, but as long as Cyrus had her tucked so closely against him, she couldn't move without waking him up.

Instead of trying to think of how to slip free of him, she allowed herself to think over the last few days. She had been humiliated several times, been forced to do things she'd only ever imagined doing with someone she loved, and she was now imprisoned in a house with her worst enemy. She wanted to think that it couldn't get worse then this, but as a hunter she had learned a long time ago that things can always get worse. And more often then not they got worse before they got better.

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