Chapter 10

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Lillian turned on the shower to the highest heat her skin could handle and scrubed herself clean. She felt dirty and violated. She just wanted the feeling of his touch off her. She scrubbed and scrubbed until her skin turned red. She had scrubbed her skin raw and finally felt clean enough to turn off the shower and get out.

Wrapping a towel around her body as she stepped out of the shower, Lillian sighed as she thought about what had just happened. She felt sick at the thought of it. She'd had to sleep with him not once, but twice. Her stomach was churning as she stood in the bathroom clutching the towel to her body. She felt pathetic and weak, something a Hunter should never be forced to feel at the hands of their enemy.

Lillian didn't realize she'd collapsed on the floor until a knock on the door pulled her from her thoughts. Looking around in confusion, she slowly used the sink to pull herself to her feet and moved to the door. Unlocking it and cracking it open she was relieved to find George standing on the other side with a set of clothing in his hands.

"I thought you might like some clean clothes madame," George said holding the clothes out to her. Smiling, Lillian reached out and took the clothes from him.

"Thank you, George," She said.

"Of course madame," George bowed slightly and spun on his heels to leave her to dress. Lillian shut the door and set the clothes on the sink. She dried her hair and body off, before slowly slipping into the clothes. She was afraid to even leave the bathroom. Although she knew a locked bathroom door wouldn't stop a fallen angel who wanted in, she still felt safer behind it then she did in the room.

Sighing softly, Lillian slowly left the bathroom. She was happy to find that the room was empty except for herself. She picked up the book that Cyrus had thrown against the wall and carefully fixed the pages that had been bent and folded. She ran her hand over the book cover carefully her thoughts and emotions swirling like a tornado again.

She was scared and missed Jack. He had always been the one she ran to when she was scared, when she needed someone to comfort her. Now, she was stuck with a fallen and no way of contacting Jack. She sat down on the bed with the book just as George came into the room.

"Are you okay madame?" George asked, holding a tray with a tea set on it.

"I'm fine George." She replied, looking back down at the book.

"Something seems to be bothering you, Madame." George said simply, as he set the tray on a small table in the room.

Lillian didn't know if she could really share her true feelings with George, since the elderly gentleman was so loyal to Cyrus. She flipped through the book idle, but stopped when she found a piece of folded up paper inside the pages. Pulling it from the book, she unfolded it carefully.

She recognized the hand writing as Jack's almost immediately. She smiled at the note as she read:

Lillian, I am so sorry I let this happen. If I'd just had your back and been a better partner this never would've happened, but I promise I'm not going to let him win. I'll find a way to bring you home to get you back. No matter what. Just hang in there, see if he has a weakness and try to get your cell to work again. It rings but you never answer. I hope to see you soon Lil, I miss my partner.

Lillian frowned slightly at the mention of her cell. She hadn't seen it since she'd hung up on Jack. Looking around she tried to find the pants she'd been wearing the morning she'd come here. Getting up off the bed she looking in the laundry basket, getting a curious look from George. She was confused when she couldn't find any of the clothes she'd worn.

"Can I help you find something, madame?" George asked as he stood beside the table and the tea tray.

"Did that ass take my clothes?" She asked angrily, "More specifically did he take my cell?"

"I believe I saw master Cyrus with a cell phone a day or so ago." George said calmly, turning to the tea set.

Lillian fumed at the response. Who the hell did he think he was taking her cell phone, she had become his slave and was no longer allowed to hunt. She had not agreed to losing contact with those she cared about.

"Please understand that Master Cyrus is simply trying to make sure you hold up your end of the deal." George said as he poured some tea into a cup, "How many sugars?"

"That doesnt give him the right to take away my cell!" Lillian said angrily glaring at the butler. She ignored his question, she wasnt in the mood for tea.

"Would you not conspire with your partner and higher ups to get you out if you had access to your phone?" Lillian was taken aback by his question. She'd made a deal, she couldn't break it. Then again, wasnt she hoping to call Jack so she could ask if he'd found anything?

Lillian huffed and sat down on the bed again. She hated this deal, but George had a point if she had her phone she'd be conspiring to find a way out. However, she would never admit that out loud.

"How many sugars?" George asked again as he held the cup of tea.

"Four." Lillian replied grumpily. George put four sugars in the tea and mixed it before handing it to her. She took a sip of the tea and felt herself relax a bit. She was so stressed from all this that it felt good to allow the tea to relax her muscles.

"What's in this?" Lillian asked looking at George.

"Just tea leaves and water madame," He replied smiling, "Simply something to help relax you. I know how stressed you must be with this deal."

Lillian nodded slightly as she sat on the bed. She stared at the tea cup for a moment before she looked at George again.

"George, I don't know if I can keep..." Lillian tried to find the right word for what she had to do with Cyrus, but she couldn't find any word that wouldn't embarrass her.

"Bending to his will, madame?" George suggested gently. She smiled and nodded at him.

"It's just never been heard of for a Hunter to be forced to serve a Fallen."

"Understandable madame, however, I do ask if you please don't judge master Cyrus too harshly. He may seem like a horrible person, but deep down he really does have a softer side to him." 

Lillian frowned at George and sighed. She knew better then to trust a Fallen, they deceived and lied to get what they wanted. She was sure Cyrus was no different.

Silently drinking her tea she sat with George for a little while longer before he excused himself to tend to some things. Her emotions were still whirling around inside her, but at least the tea was helping her relax. She eventually set the tea aside and laid back to read the book she had.

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