Chapter 12

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Cyrus shut the door to his study and moved to one of the ceiling to floor bookshelves that were piled with books and scrolls of all sorts. He had collected these books over the centuries, some were one of a kind others were regular mortal books he'd bought through out the recent years. However, the one he searched for was a Hunter book, something no Fallen should possess yet he did.

It was written by the first Hunter that the Archangels had created. Cyrus had been fortunate enough to come across a hunter who had it on their person when he killed them. The hunter honestly hadn't been the best Cyrus had ever faced, but then again all the hunters were pathetic compared to his skills. He had been a high ranking angel back in heaven not many could match him save the Archangels.

He ran his hand over the books slowly as he looked through them. He ran his hand over a collection of books he'd received from Archimedes during his time in Greece. A pile of scrolls he passed over he'd received from Hatshepsut when she had ruled as Pharaoh over Egypt. He even had some tombs from Persia though he'd killed the original holder and could not remember what their name had been. He stopped when he came to an old leather bound book that looked worn and torn from years of use. Pulling it from the shelf, he walked to his desk.

Sitting in the comfortable, leather back desk chair in front of his redwood desk, he proped his legs up on the desk and leaned back with the book in hand. He pulled open the cover and carefully flipped through the ancient pages. He stopped when he found the pages about Deals with Fallen Angels. Back when the book was written the Hunters were much less cautious and made deals with Cyrus and his dark winged bretheren without a thought. However, this book had helped him figure out exactly what a deal did to a Hunter and Fallen if they did not hold up their ends.

If Cyrus had lost the bet, he'd have been forced to go to hell whether he liked it or not. If he'd tried running he would've been dragged to hell thanks to the agreement he'd made. A special sort of magic was put into every deal between a hunter and a fallen. Fallen being angels already are forced to honor their deals, while Hunters being the creations of Archangels are bound to do good or lose their place in heaven when they die that includes keep their end of any deal or bargain made.

As well as that the Fallen and Hunter our bound together, if the Fallen were to be killed before the hunter can complete their end of the bargain or be released they are dragged to hell along side their black winged enemy. Cyrus had poured himself over this book making sure there were no loop holes that were possible for his Princess to get through his deal. However, there was always one, the only way she could get out of the deal is if she were pledged to another. He need not worry though, as far as he could tell she hadn't dated since last he saw her.

He smirked as he thought about his Princess. He'd originally only planned to force her to serve him similar to how George did, but when he'd seen her that idea changed. Serving him as a maid wouldn't break her like he wanted and he got more out of this. He wasn't like most of his bretheren though. Other Fallen Angels would've phsyically broken her, he only wanted to break her fiery spirit.

Cyrus shut the book and set it on his desk as there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" He called. The door slowly swung open and George walked in carrying a tray with a tea set on it.

"I thought you might like a cup of tea Master Cyrus," George said politely setting the tray on the desk.

"Thank you, George," Cyrus replied smiling at his butler. George bowed lowly and left without another word.

George knew that Cyrus' study was his personal place and that he was only there when he needed to get away to think for awhile. He permitted George to bring him things every now and then, but George never stayed long respecting his winged employers needs.

Pouring a cup of tea for himself Cyrus dropped several cubes of sugar into the cup and stirred it boredly for several minutes. He wanted to go back to Lillian, but he knew she needed time to adjust. He wasn't normally so patient about things such as this, but for his Princess he would make an exception. After all he didn't want to break her just yet.

Cyrus smirked as he took a sip of his tea. He couldnt wait till he snuffed that fire out.

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