Chapter 11

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Jack ran his hands over his face as he fought exhaustion. He was pouring himself into all the books he had spread out on his kitchen table. In the few days that Lillian had been gone, Jack had barely slept. He'd gone to the San Diego Hunters HeadQuarters and found as many books as he could that talked about making deals with fallen angels. Unfortunately there were very few and there was absolutely nothing about how to break a Hunter out of those deals.

Jack sighed as a knock on his front door pulled him from the book he was looking at. Standing slowly from his seat, he went to the front door and opened it to find Kate standing on his door step. Her long brunette hair was pulled back and her brown eyes stared at him with a look of concern.

"Hey Kate." Jack said softly, leaning against the door.

"Jesus, Jack you look horrible." She said moving closer and setting her hand against his cheek, "When did you sleep last?"

"I think it's been two days," He replied softly. Kate shook her head at him and frowned.

"You have to sleep Jack," She said, "How are you supposed to help Lillian, if you are exhausted.

"I can sleep when she's home." He said stubbornly.

Jack pulled away from her and returned to the kitchen table and started flipping through the book again. Kate followed him inside and shut the door behind him. She was new to the world of the Hunters, ever since he'd been forced to explain to her what had happened to Lillian. She didn't understand how their partners worked.

He was responsible for Lillian, supposed to take care of her and protect her. Not only as her partner, but as her best friend. He glared up at Kate as she pulled the book away from him and stacked all the books together.

"Stop!" He growled angrily, reaching for one of the books. He retracted his hand as she smacked it angrily.

"You are going to get some sleep," Kate said sternly, "How do you expect to help your partner if you die from exhaustion!?"

Jack glared at her for a moment. Hunter's could go weeks without sleep if necessary, but it effected their motor skills and reflexes just like that of a normal human.

"Fine!" He growled angrily, "I'll get an hour sleep, but you better wake me up. I have more research to do." Kate nodded at him and held onto the books as he got up and went to the couch to lay down. He collapsed on the couch and almost immediately drifted into unconsciousness.

Jack leapt from the couch as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He was surprised to find that it was Raphael and not Kate.

"What is it?" Jack asked running his hand over his eyes.

"You haven't been working." Raphael said glaring at Jack.

"I've been trying to fix the mistake I've made."

"You can't neglect your Hunter duties," Raphael growled, "Gabriel and I are working on getting Lillian back, you just focus on fixing yourself." Jack glared at him just as the Angel left in a flash of bright light.

He went to the kitchen table and looked at the books that were piled up. Glaring at his table top he sat down and pulled a book in front of him once more. I won't stop Lil. I will get you out. He thought angrily pouring himself once more into his research.

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