Chapter 2

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Lillian was gone before Jack woke up and back in her flat before the dawn light reached her windows. She didn't sense her stalker anymore so she assumed he too went off to rest like she had. She collapsed into her own bed still exhausted from the nights hunt. She'd sleep till noon and then prepare for the hunt that awaited her, she decided as she curled her arms around a pillow and tried to doze off.

She was almost completely asleep when that same presence invaded her senses. She shot up and looked over at her window only to find nobody there. So he was close but not that close, he did like to play games didn't he?

Sighing tiredly, Lillian curled up under the covers of her bed and tried to ignore the stinging sensation that someone was watching her. She drifted off slowly, knowing he wouldn't try anything in the light of day. He wouldn't risk a human seeing him in the day light or risk the wrath of the Archangels by attacking her while she slept.

Lillian woke to the sound of pounding on her front door. Groaning she picked herself up and looked at her clock. Cursing she threw herself out of bed and messily fixed her ponytail as she headed for the door. She'd slept the entire day away and hadn't prepared at all. Opening the door, she was surprised to find Jack standing on the other side.

"Are we swapping nights now, I sleep on your couch one night you sleep on mine the next?" She asked jokingly.

Jack was un-amused by her little quip and Lillian quickly stepped aside to let him in. He stormed in and turned to glare at her, she slowly shut the door having a sinking feeling she knew what this was about.

"So he's back in town huh?" Jack asked carefully. Lillian picked her weapons up off the floor and returned them to her boots and back.

"Yes at least according to Raphael and Gabriel, he is." She said softly. She decided maybe she should dress better for the occasion after all she was going to send a Fallen to his first visit to hell tonight.

"And you didn't tell me." He said angrily, turning around as she went to her little wardrobe closet.

She pulled out a pair of jeans and tank top with a black leather jacket to go over it.

"I didn't think it was important, he's my assignment." Lillian replied, striping down quickly and putting on the new clothes. She once again returned her weapons to their proper places as Jack spun around.

"I'm your partner, this is our assignment!" He growled.

"I thought you had a date." Lillian said bluntly glaring at her partner.

He had been an excellent hunter before he'd met Kate. Although Kate was an amazing girl, she had a tendency to distract Jack from his duties leaving Lillian to patrol the streets alone.

"Go on your date Jack, I have a score to settle tonight." She said angrily, spinning and heading out her front door without another word.

Jack was left dumbstruck by Lillian's behavior she acted like he'd done something wrong. He wouldn't have planned a date if she had told him what was going on. And hold on, he'd never told her about the date, how had she known? Jack stared out the door after her and sighed before running out to go get his stuff so he could patrol as well. He'd have to reschedule with Kate it seemed.

Lillian stalked the dark streets taking down any Fallen that crossed her path, but none were the Angel she so desperately wanted to face. It had been five years since her humiliating encounter with that Fallen Angel. She could hardly believe that he was finally back, she could finally get back at him.

"Are you thinking of me, Princess?" A seductive voice asked from the shadows of an alley. Lillian spun and pulled her sword, glaring into the shadows. She'd know that voice anywhere.

Out from the shadows stepped a tall man with a well muscled form. His short dark hair, looked like he'd just gotten out of bed and his dark eyes watched her like a lion watching a gazelle.

"Cyrus!" Lillian growled angrily as the Fallen Angel smirked widely.

"Oh so you do remember me, Princess. I'm so happy to hear that." Cyrus said grinning more.

Without warning Lillian shot towards him aiming her sword directly for his chest. He easily grabbed her wrist and pushed a pressure point that forced her to release her sword. He pushed her behind him and took the sword before she had a chance to spin around.

"So sloppy, Princess, I know you can do better than that." Cyrus mocked stabbing her sword deep into the building beside him.

Lillian growled and pulled her long daggers from her boots before rushing him again. Cyrus chuckled softly as he dodged easily. Finally he grabbed one of her wrists, twisted it so it lay folded comfortably behind her back and pulled her closer to him. He smirked down at her as she struggled angrily against his grasp. She tried to stab him with her other dagger only to have him easily catch that wrist as well.

"I must admit Princess you at least have grown quite a bit since I saw you last, definitely more mature although you still need to work on your skills." He said smiling as he pressed her closer to him.

Cyrus wanted more than ever to just claim her here like he'd been planning to since he'd returned, but no he needed to make her agree to a bet first. Then after that it was a piece of cake to win her.

Lillian struggled more and more to no avail and panted as she finally gave up. She glared up at him defiantly, while he continued to grin at her like he knew something she didn't.

"Are you going to just hold me here all night or do you have something to say?" She asked angrily.

"Oh yes of course." Cyrus said, as if she had reminded him of something, "I have a little bet to make with you, Princess."

Lillian ground her teeth together angrily at the little pet name he used, she wasn't a Princess she was a Hunter.

"And why would I ever agree to a bet with you?" She inquired feigning interest.

"Because if you win, you get to send me to hell." He replied with a grin.

Lillian felt her eyes widen at the idea, the one thing she wanted most and he was practically giving it to her.

"What's the bet?" Lillian asked, forcing herself to not act rashly.

"If you can send thirty Fallen Angels to hell before dawn then you get to send me to hell." He replied. Lillian opened her mouth to accept the bet until she realized she didn't know what he would get if he won.

"What's in it for you?"

"Oh such a smart little Princess you are." Cyrus said mockingly, his grin widening, "If you don't send thirty Fallen Angels to Hell before dawn and I win, then I get you and you never hunt again."

Lillian tensed slightly at that before relaxing. Why was she worrying, thirty Fallen in one night was a piece of cake, she'd win no problem.

"Fine it's a deal, but I should probably get to work if I'm going to win." She said smirking.

Cyrus laughed and pulled her daggers from her hands before releasing her and allowing her to step away.

"Oh not tonight Princess, tomorrow night. That's when our bet will begin." He replied holding out his hand. Lillian smirked confidently and shook it sealing the agreement without a second thought.

Cyrus smirked as she shook his hand. She had no idea what she'd just agreed to or that she had already lost. He was about to say something else when he sensed her annoying partner heading this way. Releasing her hand, Cyrus spread his black wings and took off before the boy even made it around the corner. He watched for a moment as the hunter talked to his Princess, making sure she had been unharmed. But he could tell by the fire that burned in those dark gray eyes of hers that his Princess was more than alright, in fact she was excited for the bet to come.

He smirked to himself, before going off to leave her to prepare for tomorrow night. Oh how he looked forward to seeing the look in her eyes when she lost.

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