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William just got back from his vacation, Auston left for his. Mitch and Steph came back about a week ago. I've felt guilty this entire time but I'm not gonna open my mouth to Will about how I cheated on him.

"William, get off your phone and watch the movie!" I begged. He has been on his phone the entire time since he's been over at my place, he hasn't been acting right since he's gotten back from his vacation.

"I've already seen this movie." He replied.

"So have I, but I'd like to spend time with my favorite person and I can't do that if your face is glued to your phone screen" I told him. He rolled his eyes.

"Why does it matter? If we've both seen this movie, why does it matter if I'm fucking paying attention to it?!" He snapped. He never snaps, I don't know what I did.

"If you're gonna act like this, please leave." I told him. My eyes welling up with tears.

"Fine." He shrugged, getting off of my bed.

"Seriously? You're just gonna go? Is your phone really that important? I'm getting really fucking tired of you coming over, fucking me and then ignoring me." I snapped. He rolled his eyes and checked his phone again.

"Seriously, what is on your phone that's so important?!" I asked, raising my voice.

"Nothing." He said quietly. I snatched his phone and went to his texts. He had a bunch of texts from a girl named 'Laura'. He didn't bother to fight me for his phone. All the texts were sexual. Tears fell from my face and I slammed his phone into his chest.

"How fucking could you?! How fucking could you, William?!" I screamed. He stayed silent and looked down at the ground.

"Fucking answer me William!" I demanded.

"Well, you fucked my teammate while I was gone, so I went ahead and made it even" he shrugged.

"How do you fucking know that I fucked your teammate? Which teammate did I fuck since apparently I fucked one of them?" I asked.

"Sadie, I'm not fucking stupid. Your location was on, on Snapchat and then you turned it off, when I called you a few weeks ago. It said you were at Mitch and Auston's house. Seeing as Mitch and Steph were out of town, that only leaves Auston at the house. There's no reason for you to have been over there at one in the morning. Not to mention, the fact that Auston posted a picture of the scratch marks down his back that same night. You and Auston can deny it all you want but I know the truth." He told me, his eyes welling up with tears.

"If you know, why didn't you break up with me?" I asked.

"I love you, Sadie. It was easier just to find a girl to have half-assed sex with than to leave you. I evened out the playing field. You cheated once and I cheated once. We're good." He sighed.

"Then why are you still talking to that girl?" I asked.

"She won't leave me alone, she keeps texting me from different numbers and sometimes I get bored and entertain it" he admitted.

"Then, get a new number. You want this to work? Stop responding to her" I snapped.

"You want this to work? Stop talking to Auston" he mocked.

"I haven't talked to Auston since the day after I made that mistake but nice try" I replied.

"Fine. I'll get a new number, and we'll both get tested since we don't know if either of the people we screwed around with are clean. Sound good?" He asked. I nodded.

"Good. I love you, Sadie Lynn. You mean the world to me and I'll do anything for you. You don't have to say anything back, I know labels make you uncomfortable, but I figured I'd tell you how I feel" he told me. I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same with me. It felt like the whole world disappeared around us and it made me realize that I'm ready for a serious relationship with him and I do love him.

"I love you too, William, I'm not gonna say your middle names, you have too many of them. I'm ready to call you my boyfriend and me your girlfriend" I replied, looking up at him. He smiled and pressed his lips against mine and the world melted away again.

I really don't deserve William. He deserves way better than me but God am I lucky to have him?

Bad Choices || Auston MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now