Chapter 17

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"Nice. But you'll have wait. Like I said earlier, I'll to change things into the way I need them."

"What are you going to to change?" I asked. He smiled wildly.

"I'm really glad you asked that." He turned around and walked out the door. Leaving me completely confused.

{Dylan P.O.V}

I walked out the room leaving Julie alone. I walked outside and changed my appearance. I had pointed ears and longer teeth and red on black eyes. I quickly made my way back to Julie's home. I creepily peek through the front window and just as I had planned, everyone is here.

"Let the games begin." I said to myself. I knocked on the walls of the house to get their attention. I picked myself up and climbed the wall. I picked at the lock of Julie's window and sat on the sill then knocked three times. Moments later, the door burst open and the werewolves changed into their inhuman form. "Oh please. Put those toys of your away. I'm a lion compared to you cats."

They continued to growl at me. "Where is Julie, Dylan?"

"Oh, Stephanie. I see you're still alive." I groaned.

"Tell me now, Dylan! Where is Julie?!" She took a step forward ready to hit me.

{End of P.O.V}

I sat in the chair my hands still bound in silence.

"Why do you so sad?" I heard a voice say. I picked my head up and looked around. Yet no one was there. Then I felt a gentle hand on my cheek. It felt so familiar to me. Yet I didn't know whose it was. A golden light showed in front of me and it formed the shape of a woman with long brown hair in a white dress.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name Krista. I'm your guardian."

"You're joking, right?"

"Yeah. The person who magically appeared out of nowhere is lying."

I laughed. "Sorry. Can you help me out here?"

She walked behind me it might be more accurate to say that she floated. The bonds came off and I rubbed my wrists. "Thanks a bunch."

"No problem." She smiled.

"Do you know the way out of here?"

"Yeah. Follow me."

She turned around and I followed behind her. She turned so many corners I couldn't possible remember the first one we took. We reached a large metal door with large locks that it looked like something out of cartoon of some sort.

"If something goes wrong with this door, it'll detonate this whole building." Krista said.

"What's the passcode then?"

"Uh...I think it was um..."

Before her sentence was finished the large metallic door burst open and standing in the doorway was Dylan.

"Holy shit!" I screamed.

"Where do you think you're going? You still don't know anything."

"I know just enough to get out of here, you insane bastard."

"Yes. I can see that. Just not enough to get you through the truth about this town."

"And what do you mean by that exactly."

"I would just love to tell you but let me ask you a question."


"Do you like chess?"

"Um, not really."

"That's too bad, friend. But that can wait your friends are here for you."

"What? Really?"

"Yes. Now come with me." Before I gad a second to scream Dylan picked me up and took of at top speed.

"Wha?! Put me down! Now!" I said.

"Be patient, you brat!"

I gritted my teeth. Dylan came into this room that was dark and humid. It was different from the last room I was in. He put me in a chair and put me in restraints again.

"Why this again?!" I whined.

"Just shut up." He said as he gagged me. "You're starting to get really annoying."

I calmed down and sigges through my nose. I closed my eyes and then heard a calming voice.

"Just relax and surrender to the angels. They will guide you from there."

Then someone started to bang on the door. It went on for quite a while then the hinges broke and the door fell. My friends were waiting for me.

Then not even a second went by then fighting broke out. Lydia untied me. "Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said. A second later Dylan pushed Lydia out of the way and she fell to ground, unmoving. "...! Lydia?!" I screamed. I tried to pull away from Dylan's grip but I couldn't. It was useless.

"Shh. Just look at how the game has progressed. I don't wat you ruining my plans." He said happily.

"Huh?" I looked in front of me and Scott and the pthers were on on side except for Stiles. Alrik held his arm as he tried to get away, but Alrik was letting go so easily.

"Just let him go." Scott said.

"Shut up or I'll kill him." Alrik said in a gruff voice.

"What do you have planned?" I asked Dylan.

"Wait and see." He sounded even happier. It scared me. What was going to happen? I watched as Alrik bared his sharp teeth at Stiles shoulder. He lowered his head and opened his mouth and moved in closer....getting ready to bite him.

I couldn't do anything but watch in terror as Alrik bit his shoulder and listen to him scream in pain. Watch made me feel just the same.

It felt like everything went in slow motion after that. Dylan let go of me and I sprinted to Stiles rolling on the ground.

"Stiles! Stay with me!" I held his body close to me.

He looked at me weakly. "Are you alright?"

"What?" I laughed. "Don't worry about me. Alrik bit you!"

" least I'm not letting anyone down now."

"Wha? weren't letting anybody down. You helped a lot. If it weren't for you I don't know what any of us would do. I don't know what I'd do without you in my life."

"That sounded so cheesy." He laughed.

"Trust me. You're Scott's best friend. And he's yours. Can you imagine if you weren't?"

"Honestly. I can't either." I picked up Stiles and put his arm around me shoulder.

"C'mon. Let's get out of here." I said.

My Mystery: A Teen Wolf Love Story [Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now