Chapter 5

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"What do you mean?", Scott asked.

"No one knows what happened to the body. Just a bunch of scratches and claw marks.", Stiles replied.

"So how do they know about the body if no one knows?", I asked.

"I mean that they found the body but when the cops looked in the spot it was found, it was gone, no trace anywhere."

"So someone took the body?", Scott asked.

"No, it came back to life and walked away, yes, dumb-ass someone took the body.", Stiles said, frustrated. I could tell Scott was obviously hurt by the response, by the look on his face.

  We talked for a few hours about the body, and then Stiles went home. It was sorta dark, so I fell asleep.

  Not my dream nor in real life, I never met her before, but I never knew how I had known her name. It was continued from my previous dream...

  "Julie.", the boy continued to say. At this time I was already soaked in rain from head to toe. "Julie."

"Yes?", I said, uneasily. "Who are you?"

"I am Peter Hale, his young self."

"What do you want?", then came a girl with brown shoulder-length hair. And Peter disappeared.

"Allison?", I asked her.

"Yes, ask Scott about me." she said with a smile.

"What do you want?"

"Ask Scott about me.", she said again.

"What why...", but before I could finish, everything turned dark, and I woke up.

  At least this time no one was pinning me down. It was still dark, so I decided to go get something from the kitchen to drink.

  I was standing by the sink, when I had the feeling that something was behind me. So I reached out for one of the kitchen knives and turned around, I was about to lunge at whatever was behind me, when somone grabbed my hand. It was Stiles.

  "Stiles?! What the hell?! I could've killed you!", I yelled.

"Sorry, I just left my phone here but I can't find it.", he said while looking around.

"Well, sorry for nearly killing you."

"Don't sweat it, it happens all the time in this town. Really.", I could tell that he was trying to put as much emphasis into the last word as possible.

"Have you seen Scott, I need to talk to him."

"I'm right here.", Scott said. "What do you need to talk to me about?"

  "Who's Allison?", I said while walking to the livingroom and sitting on the couch. By the long silence, I could tell that Allison was someone that neither Scott or Stiles wanted to talk about. "Ok, uh you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"She was...", Scott said, with tears welling up in his eyes.

{Scott's P.O.V}

  I don't know what to say, Julie just asked me about Allison, my ex-girlfriend. I don't know where to begin.

  "She was...", I was about to say something when moments of our relationship flooded into my mind. Our first kiss. When I first met her. When we skipped school. Her smile. I could feel my face get hot, and tears welling up in my eyes. I fought hard to hold them back, I lost miserably. Stiles stood next to me and he too was overwhelmed with sadness. I refused to think about it, but the last moments of Allison came to me. I remember her last words to me; "You were my first love, and I'll always love you Scott McCall." And then she died.

{End of P.O.V}

{Stiles's P.O.V}

  When Julie asked about Allison, my mind was drawn blank. As I contiued to think about Allison, I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, and I could feel some falling down my cheeks. I was probably just as sad as Scott was, I looked at him and his face was red and drenched in tears. Allison was a sweet, caring and sensetive girl. She also could protect herself if she had to. I miss her smile, she was a great friend, but no one misses her just as much as Scott, he loved her with all his heart. It hurts me to see my best friend like that. He's like my brother.

{End of P.O.V}

  "I'm so...", I whispered in a delicate voice, that's when I saw them both crying. A wave of sadness complete hit me. And my chest tightened, my throat began to hurt and I stood up and walked to them both, it was pretty dark and I couldn't see their face quite clearly, but the dim light of streetlights from outside shown through the windows, and their face were glistening with tears. I hurt me to know what happened, so I decided not to ask. And so I came to a final conclusion of Allison...

  Allison was dead.

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