Chapter 16

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His hand drew closer to my face and I moved further back, my neck began to ach, I couldn't move back any longer. He began laughing again. "Man, your face it's just...way to funny!"

"Well, there's something you must know, before you're little boyfriend and his whole little 'supernatural posse' show up.", he said. I began to get somewhat curious, "What do you need to tell me?" He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "You are something much, much stronger than what you think."

His hot breath tickled my neck. "What are you implying?", I asked.

"I'm implying that you are an angel, we are two parts of a whole." He said, then licked my ear gently. I cringed at the touch. Where are they?

{Stiles's P.O.V}

I looked at the clock and the time was 10:44. We were running out of time. "Can we speed this up a little?" I said, urgently.

"Yeah, sorry." Stephanie said. "It wasn't that long ago, actually. Julie and Dylan, they were the best of friends, they were inseparable. Anyways, just a year or two ago, Dylan's father beat him or something and he show up here. Said that he was coming after him. A few days after that, he was acting pretty strange, staying out late, barely eating, sleeping. So in a hurry, his parents sent him to the mental facility, Eichen House. We've never seen him since."

{End of P.O.V}

"Can you back up a little?" I said. "You're real creepy."

"Sorry." He said, and he started laughing again. "You are too funny. Y'know, I like you even more than before." He smiled.

I cringed. "Sorry, but I'd like to stay friends." I said, gently.

Dylan stopped to look at me, sternly. "What? I confess my feeling for you and that is all you can say!"

I opened my mouh to speak, but I had nothing to say. "Anyways, since you are an angel, I will help you bring out your powers."

"If I'm an angel then why would my parents say I was banshee?"

"Man, you just can't get things into your pretty little head, can you? Being a banshee was just a mere cover up. That's all."

"I'm starting to get bored with you. Hey, you wanna know a secret?" He asked.

"Not really." I said.

"I'm gonna tell you anyways. Y'know that alpha werewolf that came after you?" I shook my head. "Well, he's one my pawns in my game."

"Game? What game?" I asked.

"You'll find out soon enough. All that I need is to change things into what I want them to be."

{Stiles' P.O.V}

"So, what does Dylan have to do with things now?" Stephanie asked.

"Well apparently, he's the one who took Julie."

"We can't catch her scent, can we?" Scott asked.

I stood up and wallked to Julie's room as everone else followed. I opened the door to find nothing in there. "What the hell?" I said.

"There's nothing here." Kira said.

"Well, that's a bust." Lydia said. I turned to face her. "Maybe you can sense her or something like that."

"What?" She said. "In case you haven't noticed. Banshees can only tell someone impending doom. I don't think that I can track her like some kind of sixth sense."

"He's only toying with us." Stephanie said. We all turned to face her. "This is just part of some kind of master plan he has, and we're all a part of it."

"Then what can we do about it?" Derek asked. Stephanie shrugged her shoulders. "The only reason there's nothing in her room could be because he knew that you werewolves were here and that you would track her down with the scent. So, what he might be trying to do is give himself more time, with something. But what?"

"Well, I am very impressed that you could come up with something like that so quickly. Congrats." Peter said.

"Said the werewolf." She mumbled.

"I heard that."

"Good for you."

{End of P.O.V}

So, did that answer your question?" Dylan said, playfully. "As I said before I'm getting bored with you. So I'm gonna get something to eat. Are you hungry as well?"



Footsteps came a second after his name was called. Alrik showed up around the corner. "Watch her." Dylan said. Alrik nodded. Then Dylan disappeared. Alrik sat in the chair and faced me. I faced the floor. The room was silent and the only thing I could here was Alrik's heavy breathing. How long was I supposed to wait for my friends to come and save me?

After a long moment of awkward silence, Dylan came back. "Ok, you can go now, pup."

Alrik walked out the door. "Anyways, Julie."

I looked up to him. "Do you wanted access the dormant powers in you now?" He asked.

"Fine." I said.

Sorry guys for the crazy long wait, but it's finally here. Still waiting on your ideas.

Song name: Can't Go Back - Former Vandel

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