Chapter 15

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I looked up to see nothing but darkness. "Who's there?", I said. "Why, there's no need to ask, you already know.", the same voice said. A small light flickered in front of me which looked like a candle and behind the light you could just make out the slightest face. It seemed familiar to me but I couldn't tell. "Well, now my feelings are hurt, you really don't remember me, huh? Well, let me help you out with that." The light grew stronger and I could see the face more brightly, there was something pulling at the back of my mind telling me that I knew this face but, I just couldn't remember. "Dylan?", I said, probably automatically. "Yes! Yes! You actually do remember me? I'm so happy!", he jumped around as if he had won something. "Anyways, let's catch up. So, how ya been? I on the other hand, have been fantastic, I apparently am not the same since we last met. I am what was it again? Oh, that's it a demon. With fire powers and everything, would you like to see?" He walked up to me and put his hand up to my face and it was quickly encased with blue flames. I involuntarily back my head away to avoid getting burned, and Dylan began laughing. "Man, how long has it been since we last saw each other? Here's a fun fact, they say that bue flames are the hottest, wanna test that out?"

{Stiles's P.O.V}

I opened my eyes and like last time Julie wasn't there. I didn't even bother to look around the house she obviously wasn't here, but I did know that she was kidnapped. I texted Scott about what happend and a few minutes later, Scott, Kira, Lydia, Derek and Peter came to Julie's  house. I let them in and Scott started talking, "So what happened?"

"Uh, I don't remember much but all I know is that who ever took her left this note. 'If you want her back you have to listen to what I say. Toodles. - Dylan Riener'

"Dylan Riener? Well, I sure haven't heard that name in a long time.",  a female's voice said and it wasn't any girl that was here. We all looked to see where it came from and standing by the kitchen entrance was Stephanie, Julie's nanny. "Wait. What are you doing here?", I asked her. "Oh, I dunno practically live here. And why are you mentioning that name?"

"You mean Dylan Reiner?", I asked. "Yes. I haven't heard that name since Julie was about 5 or 6 years old."

"Alright, you have to tell us everything you know now.", Peter said. "Ok. No need to get all angry, Peter Hale.", Stephanie said while giving a small smirk. "Wait. How do you know who I am?", Peter asked quickly. "It's what I do, I know everything about all of you, not in the stalker kind of way. You could say I can read yur mind. I know who all of you are. Anyways, enough about me. Where's Julie?"

  "Uh, she was kidnapped.", I said.

"What how?", Stephanie asked. "Can we stop talking and let the woman just say how she knows about the Dylan kid!", Peter yelled.

  {End of P.O.V}

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