My Mystery: A Teen Wolf Love Story

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Beacon Hills is a town a of mystery. I live in Beacon Hills for as long as I remember, and lots of very stange things happen. Like the lizard-man or Kanima. Strange kanji-marking demonic ninjas or Oni. Werewolves. Elemental Kitsunes. And then there's Banshees, which I am one of, I never knew I was until I was 15, and boy I was surprised, I screamed. Broke 3 windows. Apparently, Banshee blood runs through my family. Being a banshee is the most hardest thing I ever have to go through, I have to ignore the crazy voices and sounds, and try not to scream. I wish something could make it easier. This is the story of MY mystery.

My name is Julie Mason. I was walking through the halls of Beacon Hills High school, slightly wandering into my thoughts. When I bumped into my old friend Anne. "Hey, watch where you wander.", she said. "Oh, sorry Anne. Didn't see you there.", I replied calmly. "It's great to see you, where have you been?" Anne looked at me with a happy look. "No where important. Just moved here to Beacon Hills, creepy little town if you ask me.", she said.

"So, want to get to gym, Coach hates it when we're late." And we hurried off to class. When we got dress for gym class, Coach made us do a mile run in the woods. "Ready, set, GO!", yelled Coach. Then everyone began running at top speed. I could tell that Kira was about 5 feet ahead of the enitire class because of her kitsune powers. If you ask me that girl should tryout of the track team. But soon enough I was able to catch up with her. "How, are you able to reach me? No one can.", she said. "I honestly have no idea.", I said. It was about 20 minutes into the run when Coach, made us go all the way back. When we got back I was breathing so heavily I collapsed to the ground.

And I'm pretty sure I passed out. When I woke up I was in the nurse's office, with a breathing mask over my mouth. "Oh, good you're awake.", the lady said. About 20 minutes in the office. It was time to go home. So I left, then got and drove away. My house was 2 hours from school, so on my way there I ran out of gas.

"What the hell?", I muttered to myself. When I got to my trunk, I heard a low, but loud growling sound. I turned around to see where it came from, to see a giant wolf-like man. It was about 2 times the size of a man, crouched over, staring at me with glowing red eyes. In complete fear, I screamed at the top of my lungs.

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