Chapter 3

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  It was like the question had stopped time because when I said that, everyone was quiet. It was a really awkward silence between all us.

  Then Scott spoke, he said, "He's still out there somewhere."

  "You didn't kill it?", I asked.

  "No, we don't kill. We save lives, we don't end them.", he replied.

  "Oh..." I didn't know what to expect from them. I began to feel a burning sensation in my chest and it felt like rage, but wasn't. "It's nice to meet you all. By the way how'd you find me so quickly, the other night?"

  "I drove up there after Scott and Lydia heard you.", Stiles said this. It was getting dark and I was starting to feel the pull of sleep, I was able to fight it off for a while. After a few more questions,  I was starting to get sleepy and so I fell to my back and drifted off to sleep.

  It was the dream that scared me. It was the dream that made me feel utterly helpless. It felt more of a memory than a dream, so real.

  I was walking in a meadow in late afternoon then I lied down with my front to the sky. Then quickly the sky turned dark and it began to rain. I felt as the rain droplets hit me but I did nothing. As I layed there I heard something coming from the trees, got up into a sitting position, and scanned my surroundings nothing was there. Then I heard it again. Still nothing was there. I began to feel a little fear but I still stayed in my spot. As if waiting for something.

  I countinued to look around and saw to glowing red dots and heard deep breaths, it was coming from the Alpha. It confused me at how I knew that but I didn't care. I stood up and began to run. I knew it was chasing me so when I turned around, I stopped then the beast tackled me and had a hand on my chest squeezing the breath out of me. I wheezed and tried to push it off, I began thrashing around to shake it off. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. I tried harder and harder but still no sound.

  "Julie.", the Alpha said, in human form. I was a man with messy black hair. He was a teenager. "Julie.", he said again. He continued to say my name over and over. I closed my eyes and tried to scream but again nothing came out. Everytime the older boy said my name he got louder and louder.

  Suddenly it felt like I was being shaken and the boy still continued to say my name, but something about it was off. It sounded familiar I listened to the voice, then I realized that it was Stiles. But how'd he get into my dream?

  That's when my eyes opened to reality and I stopped screaming and thrashing. I saw that Stiles holding me and that Lydia and Kira where standing in the corner, Kira with her over her mouth, and with a worried look on her face. Everyone was looking at me.

  "What happened?", Stiles asked.

  I told them about me dream once everything was settled. About the rain. The chase. The boy. Everything. "What happened here?", I asked.

  "We were all asleep until you started screaming.", Scott said.

  "I tried pinning you down, then you started thrashing around.

  "Oh, so that's what happened?" That was all I could say.

My Mystery: A Teen Wolf Love Story [Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now