Chapter 8

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  It's been a month with Stiles still in the hospital after the accident. And it's been so dreadful. I mean Scott has been moping around because of Stiles. As for me I've been visiting Stiles everyday. I really hope he recovers quickly.

"Hey, Julie.", said Stiles weakly, as walked into his room.

"Hey, Stiles. How you feeling."

"Still like crap. But probabaly be out in a week or two."

"Great, life was like hell without you."

"Really, that so sweet.", Stiles said, sarcastically. This time Stiles was able to sit up in the bed. "I want to get out of here.", he said, now more serious. "I can't take it anymore, it feels like the time I was in Echo House."

"Stiles, are you serious?"

"Yeah, I just hate it here."

  "Well, there's nothing I can do, you're going to have to wait till they discharge you." Stiles looked at me with a sympathetic look, it completely broke my heart. As much as I wanted to get him out, I wanted him to stay till he got better, I could never break the rules. "Stiles, don't look at me like that.", I said while shielding my eyes.

  "Please, you have to help me."

"I can't."

"Fine, since you won't, maybe Scott will. Give me your phone."

"No.", I said, smiling.

"Give it."

"No, I am not giving you my phone." After that Stiles stopped begging and began looking around. He struggled to get up and winced at every movement. "Stiles? What are you doing?", I said, more seriously. He didn't answer back, and he continued to try and get up. "Stiles, you're going to hurt yourself.", I started to get up, but Stiles stopped me. "No, don't bother me.", he said in a completely serious tone. I sat back down. Then eventually Stiles sat up on the edge of the bed.

  He staggered to his feet and walked over to a desk at the other side of the room, he frantically search for something, then he picked up a plastic bag, that held all his belonging that were in his pockets the night of the crash. He rummaged through the bag and took out his phone. And then looked through his contacts. I got up to stop him but, once again he interrupted me, "Don't bother me.", he said, sternly. I froze in my tracks. What happened to the funny, adorable, cute Stiles. He was just so stern and serious.

  After about 20 minutes, Scott walked in. "Hey, Julie.", he said as he walked in, then walked up to Stiles.

  {Stiles's P.O.V}

I stood by the desk for about 20 minutes, waiting for Scott, then he walked in. "Hey, Julie.", he said once he walked in. Then he walked up to me. "Hey, at least you can stand up now.", he said with a grin on his face. "So, what did you need to talk about?"

  "I want you to help me get out of here.", I said, seriously.

"You're kidding, right?"

"Scott, if you were ever my friend you get , me out of here.", tears threatened to fall down my cheeks,  but I held them back. "Please, Scott you have to get me out of here, I can't take it anymore. I should have died in that accident, than be trapped here."

"Stiles, what are you saying, you'll be out soon, you're just being paranoid." Scott said, while putting a hand on my shoulder. I limped over to the bed and sat down on the edge. "Scott, I'm losing it, I just can't be here anymore. It's like the ritual all over again."

"You'll be fine, trust me.", he gave a reassuring smile. I gave a fake smile back.

"Thanks I guess."

  {End of P.O.V}

  So far, its been 3 days without Stiles, and I think I'm losing my mind. School went by so slow, but I managed to survive. I went back to the hospital,  and on my way there it began to rain heavily. Once I reached the hospital, I went on the elevator to the 3rd floor. And when got to Stiles's room, there was a nurse on there, folding up the sheets. But Stiles wasn't in there.

"Please tell me he's in another room.", I said to the nurse.

"Oh, hi. I didn't see you there. The young boy who was in This room has been discharged.", she said, while smiling.

"For how long?", worry filled my voice.

"Since midnight."

"Well, thanks.", quickly ran out the building and to my car, but before I got in I stood there and I cried. I don't know why. But I cried. How could Stiles not let me know he was discharged? I texted Scott to know if he knew.

  Did you hear about Stiles being discharged from the hospital?

  Scott texted back:

  No, for how long?

  I said back:

  Since midnight.


  Thanks for letting me know. Later.



  I got back in my car and drove home. I was wet and I would call Stiles later, for and explanation. I got home, and went straight to my room, and changed into some dry clothes, a white v-neck, and black jeans. I lied down on my bed and before I knew I fell asleep.

  When I woke up it was 6:00, I looked put my window, and it was still raining. I decided that I just couldn't stand it anymore, I had to get Stiles to explain. I put on my combat boots and ran out the door.  By the time I was out the door, I had realized that I for got an umbrella, my keys and a jacket. But I had no time for that, Stiles's house wasn't that far. Was it?

  I ran down the street towards Stiles's house, it was freezing outside, I was already soaked, but it didn't matter. The only thing that mattered to me was Stiles.

  I had finally reached Stiles's house and I was completely out of breath. I knocked on the door vigorously. I knew that I was causing a great deal of noise, and suddenly the door opened.

  And behind it stood Stiles.

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