Chapter 12

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"So you mean you don't know what happened?", I asked her.

"No, tell me what happened."

{End of P.O.V}

Scott just told me that I tried to kill him. My heart dropped as the words left his mouth. What if I tried to do it again? What if I tried to do it on Stiles, Lydia, or Kira? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I had done something like that. Alrik did say he wanted to them but how was he able to make me do it against my will? I stood up, I couldn't be around them, or anyone at the moment. If I did stab Scott, he would heal. But Stiles, Kira, and Lydia... wouldn't.

"Scott, I have to go.", I left his house and drove to the preserve, I got out my car and walk into the depths of the forest. I sat down under a tree and seconds later being that it was late November it began to snow lightly. I didn't care if I froze to death, it's better that way. If I'm dead, Alrik won't be able to control me, but he could always kill them himself.

I felt cold so I wrapped my jacket tightly around me to conserve heat. But it wasn't working. I shivered as snowflakes fell on my body. I brushed some away but it grew to be pointless, they were going to keep coming back. My nose began to drip and I had to continue to sniffle and wipe away snot.

I sat there for a few moments, till I heard a voice behind me. "Julie, what are you doing here?", it was Stiles he was walking towards me, and rubbing his hands together.

"Just needed some time to myself."

"So, you decided to stay out in the freezing cold just to have some time to yourself?"

"Yep.", he moved sitting next to me. "OK." He wrapped his arms around me. I can't lie, I enjoyed his warmth for a change, so I wrapped my arms around him. Being this close to Stiles made me feel safe and made my heart flutter. I intertwined my hand with Stiles and we watched as the snowflakes fell to the ground gently.

  "Why do we do this?", I asked Stiles and I turned to face him.

"Do what?", he turned to look at me.

  "Hold hands, cuddle, and stuff like that."

"What are you saying? What you don't like cuddling or holding hands with me anymore?", a smile played on his lips.

  "No, I'm not saying that. It's just that we aren't dating and we've only kissed once. So basically we'd be friends, but like with a dirty secret, or something.", After I had just said that Stiles's lips gently touched mine. Seconds later, he pulled away and said, "Make that two." I smiled at his comments.

"Ya know, Halloween is coming up in a few day what are you planning?", he said.

  "That's for me to know, and for you to find out."

"Aw, you're no fun.", he whined.

  "Be quiet, you big baby."

"Maybe we could have a party or something?"

  "We'll see.", I smiled sweetly at him.

"So does that mean you will?"


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  A week later, on the night of Halloween the fright is high and Julie Mason is in her room, preparing for the party tonight.

  "So what are you going to be?", I asked Lydia.

"I dunno. I'll figure something out."

"You always do.", Kira said. "What are you going to be Julie?"

  "Uh, it's supposed to be a 'Day of The Dead' kinda thing.", I said.

"Oh, the Hispanic holiday, to represent those who have died.", Lydia said. "Seems cute."

  "Yeah, it's supposed to be based on La Bella Muerte."

"Cool.", Kira said.

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  We finished dressing up and now we looked pretty.

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