Chapter 14

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  I was pretty dazed due to the fact that Stiles and I were having a full on make out session, and that Scott walked in on it. "I- uh, um do you think we should shut down the party or...?", Scott asked.

  "Yeah, I think people should get their asses to bed. As for me I should get mine out." Scott walked away, and I stood up and picked up my shirt. Stiles stayed on the bed. "Well, that was awkward."

"Yeah, no kidding.", I laughed. Stiles stood up and put his shirt back on and smiled at me. I smiled back. "Well, I should go downstairs and clean up the mess down there. Feel free to come down and help when you wanna.", I said as I walked out my room and down the steps. All I had to pretty much clean up was a bunch of cups and paper and other junk.

Stephanie was already in bed and I wanted to hurry up and get to bed myself. Stiles walked down the steps and stood behind me. "Stiles, what are you doing?", I asked him.

"I'm not doing anything.", he said.

  "Stiles, are you drunk?" I asked.

"No, I'm perfectly sober."

  "So, if you're sober, then what are you doing?", I asked him again, as I stood up to face him.

"Nothing at all.", he said as he slowly wrapped him arms around my waist. I put my arms around his neck and leaned in and gently kissed him. "I love you, Stiles."

"I love you, Julie. Love me forever."

"Forever.", I said and then I kissed him again. "Ok. We should clean up the mess here." After a long while of cleaning, we finally put away the mess and decided to watch a movie. I fell asleep on Stiles's shoulder and i had a strange dream.

I sat on a log in the middle of the woods and toyed with a knife in my hands. It was already covered in blood and a strange smell came from behind me. I looked to see where it was coming from and I saw the dead bodies of Scott, Lydia, Derek, and Kira. I stood there in horror of what I saw.

"You did good." A voice said. I looked to see who it was and it was Alrik. "Good job, Julie. I love what you've done for me."

"What do you want?" I started to walk backwards away from him. "Though you did a good job with your friends but one. This little runt right here." He pointed behind himself and Stiles appeared he was unmoving and had a sad, miserable look in his eyes. "No, please don't kill him." I pleaded.

"Why? He's no help to anyone he's just a human."

"No, don't kill him, please."

"Fine, if you don't want me to then he might be of good use to me if I make him better." His fangs grew and he snarled at me. Tears started to grow in my eyes and I held them back. Alrik pulled Stiles's arm up to his mouth and bit him. Stiles screamed in pain and fell to his knees. He looked at me and tears where falling down his cheeks.

"Why? Why did you let this happen to me? Why?" He held the wound and looked at me. Before I did anything else i woke up quickly. "Hey, you ok?"

"No? I had the weirdest dream."

"What happened?" I told Stiles my dream and his face was completely confused in the end. "So, Alrik bit me?"

"Yes. Weren't listening?" A loud boom sounded from the kitchen, I sat up straight and Stiles stood up and ran into the kitchen,  and I followed close behind. When we reached the kitchen, my backdoor wasn't in the frame and a dark figure stood in there instead. "You see, it feels better to make and entrance.", the person in a low voice. "Who are you and what do you want?" Stiles asked.

"The girl.", the man said pointing at me. "Well, then you're gonna have to go through me first." Stiles said stepping on front of me. The man laughed loudly. "Nice courage, I could use you." He stepped forward as his eyes glowed red. I stood behind Stiles and my heart was beating hard. I was shaking badly, the only thing on my mind was what might happen if he got to me.

  The man stood up in front of Stiles grabbed his throat and threw him across the room as if he were a rag doll. He stod in front of me and I backed away slowly. The man grabbed and that was the last thing I remember before blacking out.

  I woke up sitting tied to a chair. "What the...?", I said to myself. "I wondered when you would wake up.", I heard a voice say.

My Mystery: A Teen Wolf Love Story [Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now