Chapter 4

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  Everything just wasn't making much sense. What was wrong with me? Was I going crazy? I'm pretty well-rounded, I just don't get what's happening. I looked at the clock sitting on the counter; 2:32 am. "It really late you guys should go back to sleep.", I said.

  "Are you going to be ok?", Scott asked.

  "Yeah, I'll be fine.", I replied. Then I fell back to sleep.

  I woke up to light putting through the window and I was covered with a small blanket. I put my head under the blanket but I could still see the light through my closed eyelids and the sheet. Then I noticed a really bad smell, like celery, and I realized that was me, I hadn't taken a shower, since God knows when. So got up and crept my way to the bathroom, I wandered a few times and once I walked into Scott's room, but he didn't wake up.

  I eventually found the bathroom, took off my clothes and stepped in the tub. I turned on the water and it felt more refreshing than anything.

  After I finished I put on my clothes again and I felt reborn, besides the fact that I hadn't put on fresh clothes. When I walked out, I stepped into the kitchen to find something to eat, as I scrounged around for food I found some Frosted Flakes Cereal, milk, and a bowl. I put them together and I was able to eat, I found a spoon and sat down to eat. When I finished I put my dirty bowl in the sink and washed it. Then I put in the rack to dry.

  I walked upstairs to check on Scott. Not like he need any protection or anything, if he could come save me, he could look after himself. He was still asleep. He almost looked dead, but I saw his chest rise and fall. He must be really tired.

  I went back downstairs and sat at the couch and turned on the TV. As I switched from channel to channel I saw my favorite show 'Believe', it was doing a re-run of a previous episode, so I sat back to watch. It was about 20 minutes into the episode, when I decided to make some popcorn, I went to the kitchen to make some. I took off the wrapper and put it in the microwave.

  "Sure love snacking on our food don't ya?", someone said from behind me. I couldn't help but let out a small gasp as I turned around to see Scott standing in the doorway, smiling. "Yeah, sure is delicious. Think I might take some when I go home.", I replied sarcastically. "There probably pretty worried."

  "What ever happened to your parents?", Scott asked.

"My parents are still alive and all, but I don't see that that often, on weekends, you know. I have a nanny and it makes me a little embarrassed to be in high school, and not have your parents think that they can't leave you alone while they go on business trips or whatever." I turned away as I felt tears welling up in my eyes. My face felt hot.

"Hey don't cry, at least you know that you have parents that love you. And that's nothing yo be ashamed of.", Scott said, while walking up to me and wrapping him arms around me. "You are a real priest, aren't ya?", I said sarcastically, while holding back a laugh.

  "Yeah, I am, now let go of me, I have to take a shower.", he replied while walking back upstairs. I went to the microwave and took out the popcorn and put it in a large bowl. Then I went back to the livingroom and sat down. athe doorbell rang. "Ugh.", I said in frustration. I answered the door and it was Stiles.

  "Hey, feeling better?", he asked while showing an adorable smile.

  "Yeah, rejuvenated and ready to attack the day.", I said with a little sarcasm.

  "Good, where's Scott?", he asked. While walking in.

  "He's showering. Anything wrong?"

  "No, just wanted to come over.", he sat down and began to eat some of the popcorn on the coffee table.

  "Seriously, that's mine.", I said, frustrated.

  "Oh, sorry.", popcorn filled his cheeks, so he looked like a squirrel.

  "You look adorable like that.", I said, while pointing at him.

  "What? I'm hungry."

  "It's 12:00 in the afternoon.", I said. Almost sreaming. I saw that Stiles had a hurt look on his face, I melted at the scene it was way too hard not be mad at Stiles. I mean look at him he was adorable. But, what could this mean?

"What? I'm hungry."

  "Hey, you ok?", Stiles asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

  "Yeah, I'm fine."

  "Ok, do you still want this popcorn?"

  "Yes, and don't eat the whole thing.", just as I said that Scott came downstairs. "Hey, guys.", he said.

"Hey, Scott.", Stiles said.

"So what are you doing here?, Scott asked him.

"Oh, I almost forgot, there has been another murder."

"Do you know what happened?", I asked.

"No but, nobody knows what did either."

"Where's the body?", Scott asked.

"See that's the thing, no one has a clue."

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