Chapter 11

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  I got up from the chair, and hugged Stiles. "Thank you, Stiles." I said.

"No problem. I'd do anything for you."

  "Thanks, but now we have to help Scott." As if they'd magically came, Lydia and Kira burst through the door. Instantly, Kira fought alongside Scott, and Lydia ran up to me. "Are you OK?", she asked me.

  "Yeah, I'm fine. How'd you know to come here?"

"I'm a banshee."

  "Great, to know I'm not the only one."

"Yeah, so we need to get you out of here."

  Suddenly, Alrik throws Scott against the wall and Scott lied helplessly on the ground, groaning. Alrik then picks up Scott by the throat and pins him up against the wall. "I might let you go, I might not. You might be an alpha McCall, so am I, but I'm stronger."

  Scott was gasping for air and clawing at the hand the gripped his throat. His legs were thrashing around, and he looked completely scared. Then another person came in he was tall and had a trimmed beard. Black hair, then he transformed alpha, and came hurtling towards Alrik. He smashed into the man and Alrik let go of Scott in the process.

  The two men battled, and Scott fell to the ground. He looked like he had just died. Kira ran up to him.

"Scott are you OK?", she said.

"Yeah...I'm fine.", he said, through deep breathes. He stood up, growled and charged at Alrik, slamming him to the ground. Scott then almost like a rabid dog, he clawed at the older man. The guy who had just came in earlier pulled Scott away from Alrik, who was now bloodied and beaten to a pulp.

"He's had enough Scott, stop it.", he said.

"Get off me, Derek.", Scott said. So his name was Derek, the man who had come was named Derek. My head was starting to hurt brutally,  but I managed to ignore it for a while. Stiles held my hand, and I held back. My head began to hurt more than it had before. Stiles noticed my discomfort. "Hey, are you OK?"

  "Yeah, I'm fine.", I didn't notice at first but then I realized that I had been tightly squeezing his hand. "Sorry. Didn't mean to do that."

"It doesn't matter."

"Who's that?" I looked to see who had spoken and it was Derek.

  "Hi, I'm Julie.", I replied with a small wave of my hand. And he continued to look at me, I started to feel uncomfortable, so I broke the silence. "Can we leave?" As we started to leave, I took a last look around and Alrik's body was gone. I turned to walk away, when I heard a voice in my head.

  I control you.

  Later on that night, I stayed over at Scott's house and so did the others except Derek. At first we sat in silence, not really doing anything, but like silent communicating. "Sorry, for puting you guys through the ringer like that."

"Believe me, that is not the first time something like that has happened.", Scott said.

  "But he wants you dead."

"Yeah, I know."

  "And he's not going stop till that happens, he wants all of you dead."

"So what are we going to do about him?", Stiles asked looking around.

  I don't know, but I really want to go to sleep. Being kidnapped takes a lot out of you.", they laughed. My eyes started to feel heavy so I fell asleep. I once again found myself in the white room, but in a corner. I looked at myself and I was see-through, and Scott, Allison, and Stiles emerged from three bathtubs on the other side of the room, then they walked over to a tree stump. But before they did anything else, everything faded in to darkness.

  I was awake, I felt that my eyes were open. I could see the ceiling but I had no control over my limbs. I tried to talk but nothing came out. Then a voice rang through my head.

  I control you.

  Alrik, but if it was him, how was he able to do this. Then I sat up, unwillingly. Then walked to the kitchen, and over my own will, my hand grabbed a knife. And I walked up the stairs, to Scott's room. I tried as hard as possible to hold myself back, for I knew what would happen next, Alrik was controlling me and he was going to make me kill Scott.

  I slowly walked into Scott's room, stood by his bed and held the knife high above my head, then I quickly lunged the knife at Scott's heart. Before the knife hit him, a hand grabbed my wrist and I looked to see it was Scott.

  All must die. I said it unwillingly, Alrik made me say it but how was he doing this? I Had to get him to stop. Scott tried to grab the knife from my grasp, but I pulled away.

"Julie, what are you doing?", he asked. I tried to say something but I couldn't open my mouth. I had no control over my limbs, and there was nothing I could do, I was basically helpless. All must die. I said again, as if it was all I could say.

  {Scott's P.O.V}

  I woke up to Julie trying to stab me, and instinctively I grabbed her hand before the impact. "Julie, what are you doing?", I asked her. All must die. Was all she said. I let my claws extract from fingertips and slashed at her. She dodged. I got her in the side after lunging a second time, she doubled over and held her side.

  She stood up but did nothing, then she collapsed. Seconds later she woke up.

  "What happened?", she said.

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