Chapter 9

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  "Julie? What are you doing here?" Instead of answering his question, I wrapped Stiles in a hug. Not caring if I got him wet. I released my arms from his neck, and said, "How could you not let me know? How could you not let any of us know you were discharged?" He looked at the ground. "I didn't say anything because I just needed to be alone. I just needed some time to myself, I'm sorry." I was quiet for awhile and I didn't know what to say.

  "You should come inside you're soaking wet, and you'll freeze.", Stiles said, breaking the awkward silence. I walked inside his house and Stiles wrapped a towel around me, then I sat on the couch. Stiles sat next to me. I looked at him before speaking again. "Stiles, I'm sorry, for not helping you escape but, I didn't want get into any trouble, you should be angry at me. I would, trust me, I wanted to get you out more than anyth-." Before I could finish Stiles's lips were against mine, and my heart fluttered, and I couldn't think straight. He backed away. Then looked at the floor. "Sorry.", he said.

"What are you apologizing about?"

"For hurting you. Not telling you that I was let out from the hospital. For everything."

"You don't need to apologize for anything. I don't blame you for wanting a few moments to yourself, to relax and all."

"I guess you're right." Stiles, then intertwined his hand with mine, and we sat there for a few passionate moments, but were short-lived, till I heard sounds coming from the kitchen. "Did you hear that?" I looked at Stiles, and he was already standing. I stood up, and our hands still linked, we walked to the kitchen.

  What happened next was just a blur of movement, it all happened so fast I didn't have time to process, it began when the lights turned out. I turned the switch on and off but the lights still wouldn't come back. I squeezed Stiles's hand, and he still held on. Then, a loud thump came and Stiles let go of my hand. In the faint light, I could see Stiles laying motionless on the ground.

  "Stiles!", I screamed and knelt down and shook him. "Stiles, get up, get up, please." I continued shaking him, and he still layed on the ground. "Stiles! Come on."

I stood up, and I had the feeling of someone watching me, I looked around and saw something standing, in the corner of the room. Red eyes glowing vibrantly, it stood there and looled at me, I let out a ear-piercing scream and as if that's what set the thing off, it started coming towards me. I was struck with fear, and I couldn't move. But I was taken out my daze and I ran the other way.

  I made it upstairs and in a room and it guess that it was Stiles's. I locked the door and, stood behind it, breathing heavily. My heart was beating crazy fast and I fell to my knees, the doorknob shook and I stood up and went by the opposite wall. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack. My chest hurt from my heart pounding against my rib cage, I tried to calm myself but nothing worked. The doorknob continued to shake, but then it stopped. I slowly walked up to the door, but stopped halfway.

  Out of nowhere someone attacked me from behind and grabbed my arms and pinned them behind me, I flailed my legs and twisted my body, trying to break free but whoever had me captive had an iron grip. "Oh, no you don't." It was a man, his voice was gruff, and low. He continued to hold my arms and started dragging me outside.

  Instantly, he put a piece of paper up to my nose and it had such an awful smell, and a few minutes after, I felt tired. I struggled to stay awake, but darkness won over.

  And once again, dreams came in.

  "Who is coming?", I looked around but saw that Allison wasn't there anymore and I wasn't in the forest either. In fact, I don't know where I was, I was in a large white room, no one else was in there but me. "Hello?", my voice echoed off the walls. On the far side was a large tree stump, I walked over to it and. I was about to touch it when I woke up.

  I was in a dark room, and a light was shining on my face I squinted and looked around. I could see a face staring at me. "Glad to see you're awake." It was a man's voice.

"Who are you?", my voice was shaking.

  "Alrik, is my name, and I know who you are. Julie."

  "How do you know?"

  "I'm an Alpha, and I make it my business, to know everyone."

  "But, what do you want from me?"

  "I want Scott McCall dead."

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