Quirk Pains

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   "I need a name to call you." 

   The boy made a face but sighed. "My name's Touya."

   "Okay Touya. These burns are from you quirk yes?" Aizawa hummed wrapping the burns on the boys arms. "Tell me about your quirk."

   "It's uhm... Well dad just called it Blue Fire. I like to call it Cremation because its so hot. The flames are blue because they burn hotter than dads. But cuz my mom had an ice quirk I have skin that is prepared for an ice quirk. So that's why I burn so easy."

   "I see. Well you aren't the only person who has issues with quirks. Because quirks mutate so quickly and regular genes don't there are often human genes that don't mesh with a persons quirk."

   Touya scrunched his face up. "I know all this. Mom talked about it all the time."

   "What I mean is you aren't the only one with issues like this. My husband's quirk made him go legally deaf when he was a child. He can hear some loud noises but mostly everything is muffled. He needs hearing aids."

   Touya huffed crossing his arms. HE felt a slight pinch of jealousy in his heart. Of course. Other people can be happy but not him. Who knows where Keigo is now anyway. Whatever, no time to wallow in pity. "And how did that turn out for him huh? Can't be a hero if you're broken. That's what Endeavor says." 

   "Oh?" Aizawa heard the door open. "You're wrong about that one."

   "Sho? Where ya at?" A booming voice called into the apartment.

   "The bathroom. Keep your voice down Zashi!" 

   Footsteps echoes in the hall and soon a  face appeared in the door. "What's happenin?"

   Touya took a moment to process. "You're... You're Present Mic! Mom listens to your show sometimes!" 

   Hizashi raised a brow and looked at his husbands confused. "That's right little listener! Good to know she has some good taste." He grinned lightly.

   The boys brain seemed to catch up finally as he morphed back into that closed off pose. "Wait a minute..."

   "Zashi take your headphones off," Aizawa hummed. 

   "Kay?" Hizashi removed his headgear and blinked. "Sho what's goin' on here?"

   Touya's gaze locked onto the small devices in the hero's ears. A fuzzy feeling crept into his chest. "You're actually deaf? You're quirk actually made you deaf?" 

   Hizashi gave the smallest flinch as he reached to brush his fingers against the device. Finally he pieced some information together seeing the burns and the way Shouta was handling the situation. "Oh. Yeah. 'S not a big deal little listener! I adapted to the change and still became a pro!" 

   Touya stared at his hands the tension in his shoulders melting out slowly. "Do you think... I can be a hero..? Even if my fire burns?"

   Hizashi kneeled down a soft look crossing his face. "Of course. I started losing my hearing when I was born and I was legally deaf by three. I turned out fine!"

   Touya was silent as he stared at the floor. He only nodded in response but the words felt like a huge weight lifted off his shoulders. "I want to be a hero... I want to be a better hero that Endeavor ever was. For me."

   Hizashi and Shouta shared a quick look. "Sure thing kid. First we gotta figure some stuff out though." Aizawa said. Why didn't he think about how much work this would be beforehand...

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