Hand Over

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   Shouta really didn't like people. Honestly some people just grated his nerves so badly he had to remind himself he was a hero. Chie Shinsou was one of such people. 

   Shouta didn't want to bring the children but he wasn't left with much of a choice. He wasn't busy like Mic and he couldn't find anyone to take Touya and Hitoshi. He had a feeling this could get ugly though...

   "This is a big house." Touya hummed. "Even my family didn't have this big of a house and we were rich."

   Aizawa nodded and continued moving forward. He had one hand clutching Hitoshi's and Touya walking on his other side. "The Shinsou's are well off."

   "No really?" Touya rolled his eyes and went quiet. 'You okay small fry..?"

   Aizawa glanced down at the boy to his left. He looked so small and frightened... "Hitoshi..?"

   "I'm okay." The boy whispered. 

   Shouta sighed and reached up to knock on the dor. 

   "Coming!" A moment later the door opened. 

   Chie was a beautiful woman indeed and very clearly related to Hitoshi. She and her husband were well off as Shouta had been growing up. They had a daughter who was about Touya's age. It had been about a week before they could locate who Hitoshi was related to.

   "Hello ma'am. I'm pro hero Eraserhead. You are Chie Shinsou correct?"

   "Yes sir."

   "I believe I found your son." Aizawa looked down at Hitoshi. 

   Hitoshi seemed to shrink a little more. 

   Chie looked down. An unreadable expression crossed her face before she met Shouta's gaze again. "I'm sorry sir but you must be mistaken. I don't have a son."

   Hitoshi squeaked. "Mama!"

   Chie huffed glaring at the boy. "I have one daughter. That's it. I've thought about having a  son but it never happened."

   Aizawa attempted to process what was happening. He clutched Hitoshi's hand tighter. "Ma'am I-"

   "What the hell is wrong with you!?" A small voice piped up. Touya stepped forward with a familiar fire in his eyes. "He's just a kid! Don't be such a liar old lady!"

   Chie looked appalled. "Young man! Respect your elders! I have never seen this boy in my life!" 

   Small hiccups escaped Hitoshi as he clutched onto Shouta's let. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry mama! Why don' you like me?"

   Chie flinched back. "Stop with your devil questions child! Get this boy away from me. He is not my son."

   Touya growled and turned on his heels "People like you don't fucking deserve children. When I become a pro I'm going to work with kids who happed to be stuck with assholes like you for a parent!" He took Hitoshi's hand. "C'mon dad. Lets take Toshi home."

   Shouta made a note to buy the boys an ice cream. "My apologies ma'am. Touya has a mouth. I'm sorry for the mix up." He turned and lead the boys back to the car. 

   "You okay small fry?" Touya murmured softer than his usual tone. 

   Hitoshi sniffled and rubbed his eyes. "I think so.."

   Aizawa sighed. "I'm sorry Hitoshi. That woman was awful. Would you like an ice cream before we go back to the apartment?"

   Hitoshi nodded a bit. "W-where do I go now?"

    Shouta didn't hesitate. "You'll stay with Mic, Touya and me."

   "You'll be my new cooler little brother." Touya grinned and ruffled the boys hair. "Oh and dad?" 

   Aizawa hummed as he started the car. He'd never get used to Touya saying that...

   "Don't tell pops about what I said okay? He'll make me do English papers as punishment's."

   Shouta smiled. "My lips are sealed." 

   Touya smiled a bit at that. 

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