Sour Taste

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   Hizashi was surprised with how... normal things felt when he got out of the hospital. The school year had continued with only minor hiccups. Their substitute for the past two weeks kept them up to speed. (Well... Major hiccups but the students were well off all things considered.) His show had technically only been off the air since he was rescued. The idea that someone had replaced him so easily... 

   Hizashi shuddered at the thought. When he walked into the teachers lounge he was still confused to see how easily his coworkers spoke to each other. 

   Touya looked up and gave a slight wave before going back to his conversation. Shouta was nowhere to be seen. He was probably trying to get a nap in before class...

   Nemuri looked up from whatever paper she was grading and smiled. "Hey Hizashi!"

   Hizashi felt a little warmer after the greeting. He crossed the room and took a seat next to her. "Whats up Nemuri!" 

   "Glad to see you better! I missed having you around to mess with you!" With her words she reached up and ruffled Hizashi's carefully slicked hair. 

   Hizashi made a sound and fixed his hair. "Leave it alone! Do you know how long this takes to style in the morning?"

   "See, this is why you're a nerd. It's a wonder anyone managed to copy someone as weird as you." She chuckled and continued grading the exams. 

   Hizashi felt that weird fuzz in his chest again. "Yeah..." 

   Touya looked over noticing the way his dad was acting. He gave a quick snap in that direction. When he got Hizashi's attention he signed a quick 'You okay?'

   Hizashi plastered a grin onto his face and nodded. 'Doing great Little Blue!'

   Touya rolled his eyes at the nickname and turned back to his conversation with Ectoplasm. 

   The rest of the day felt kinda... hazy. After classes, Hizashi talked to a few students who missed him and then found himself in his dorm in the teachers building jotting down ideas for his first show back. 

   "Zashi..?" The voice was soft and came with a gentle kiss behind the ear. 

   Hizashi looked up from behind his glasses. "Hey Sho..."

   Shouta frowned and took a seat. "Are you okay? Touya told me you were acting weird this morning. Did something happen?"

   Hizashi shook his head. "Nothings wrong. Just felt weird today..."

   "Have you taken your hearing aids out yet?"

   Hizashi made a face. "No. I want them in."

   Shouta's face twisted up with concern. "Sunshine..."


   "What's wrong? Something is definitely wrong... Talk to me Zashi..." Shouta carefully took his husbands hands. 

   Hizashi stared at their hands as Shouta ran a thumb against the back of his knuckles. "I dunno... It's just... Barely anyone even noticed I was gone. I... Sho they tortured me!" He pulled his hands back quickly. "They tortured me and barely anyone noticed... Barely anyone cared... It was 

   Shouta wasn't used to his husband sounding so... small. "Oh Hizashi... Baby I'm so sorry... We... God I should have noticed. I should never have thought that you would be okay after this..."

   Hizashi wiped his face lightly. "I'm sorry- I shouldn't-" 

   The raven haired man pulled his husband into a gentle hug. "It's okay. It's alright sunshine... I'm so sorry you got hurt..."

   Hizashi ducked his head and hid his face in Shouta's shirt. 

   Shouta sighed and ran his fingers through Hizashi's hair. "It's okay. I love you..."

   Hizashi felt the pocket of emptiness inside dim just a little...


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