Bleeding Hearts

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   "Are you okay?" 

   "I already told you there wasn't even any fighting."

   "I means about the kid. What's his name again?"

   "Katsuki Bakugou."

   There was silence from the other end of the line. "We have been looking for a bigger house..."


   "Don't you whine. You were about to suggest it."

   "Shouta I'm just... You're right. I was... If he really has gone deaf I don't want him to grow up in the foster system. Besides... He did latch onto me and he reminds me of Touya."

   "Should I contact the owner of that house we liked?"

   "Yeah. Set up a meeting with him. I'm gonna hang out here tonight."

   "Okay. Love you Zashi." 

    Hizashi sighed and gave a tired smile. "I love you too Shouta." The line disconnected a moment later. He sat back and thought about what had happened today. Gosh he was so tired...

   A groan drew Hizashi from his thoughts. 

   Katsuki sat up in his bed and frowned. "What happened?" The frown became more prevalent as his ears still refused to work properly. 

   Hizashi hummed. Now or never. He scribbled down some words and handed the paper over. 'You had to be sedated. I stayed with you.'

   Katsuki glanced at the paper and then the man before he went to read it. "Why?"

   'You needed an adult.'

   Katsuki frowned. "I woulda been fine."

   Hizashi sighed. Definitely like Touya... 'You're in my custody until permanent arrangements can be made. The doctors did some tests to find out what exactly happened to your ears.'

   Katsuki growled under his breath. "And?" 

   Hizashi raised a brow. The boy was taking this remarkably well... 'You have NIHL or Noise Induced Hearing Loss. The explosion damaged your inner ear. The bleeding from that and the scrapes from the crash were the only injuries you had.'

   "Uh huh."

   'I could teach you JSL. Sign Language. So you could understand me while we wait for hearing aid's to be sized.'

   "Can I still be a hero?" 

   Hizashi blinked making a confused face. 

   "With the hearing aids. Can I be a hero?" This kid certainly didn't talk like a seven year old. 


   "Good. That's it then." 

   '...You're taking this well.'

   "What the fuck do you expect me to do?"

   "Language." Hizashi immediately responded. 

   "I can't hear you asshole."

   Hizashi rubbed his eyes a bit. 'Look Little Listener. I'm handling your hearing aids as well as your medical bills, therapy, and case file. I want you to talk to me.'

   Katsuki gave the man a blank look. 

   'You know what I mean.'

   "What the fuck ever. S'not like anything can be done..." 

   Hizashi gave a sad sigh and shrugged. 'You'll be discharged when your ears are finished bleeding. 

   "Whatever." Katsuki crossed his arms and looked at his lap. Hizashi sensed this would be a tough shell to crack...

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