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   "Where exactly are we going?" Hitoshi hissed quietly. 

   "Away. Until we get into public. Then we can worry about whatever the fuck just happened."

   Hitoshi rolled his eyes. Katsuki had never been good at much besides fighting. But Hitoshi's head was too fuzzy to think right.

   "Ahh fuck!" Katsuki yelped and ripped his hearig aids out of his ears. Blood dripped from hai ears lightly.

   Hitoshi gave a worried stare. 'What happened??'

   Katsuki held his head as if he hsd a massive headache. 'They fucked with my hearing aids somehow. It just started playinf a high tone.'

   'You're bleeding.'

   Katsuki touched his ears and pulled his hand away. 'Oh well. We need to go.' Usually his costume had ear protection so something like this didn't happen. But he was currently in pajamas.

   The two continued through the alley trying to remain unseen. Between the two they only had one set of ears and one fully functional brain. Their odds weren't great.

   Hitoshi pearked up at the sound of cars and people milling about. 'Kat. This way.'

   Katsuki trusted Hitoshi.

   The two ended up on a main street. There had obviosuly been fighting recently. Heros versus villains. Hitoshi had a feeling he knew why.


   Hitoshi turned. "Touya!"

   Touya rushed over and looked the two over. "What the fuck? Your eboth bleeding. Where wre you? How did you get out? We busted the LOV headquarters but you weren't there! There was... You guys missed a lot..."

   Hitoshi swallowed slightly and held his hands up to sign as he spoke."Kat blew us out after we found out that someone was impersonating papa-"

   "W H A T."

   "Yeah. Kat figured he was a fake because he didn't need hia hearing aids."

   "Stupid ass mistake." Katsuki grumbled.

   Touya ran hia fingers through his hair. "Holy shit... oh my god. Dad and I thought he betrayed UA. He was... An imposter. If thats true then where's pops..?"

   Hitoshi stumbled in his signing snd looked at Katsuki. "We didn't think of that..."

   "Well now we gotta find him!" Katsuki huffed out.

   Touya made a face. "A reaponsible pro would get you to the hospital."

   Hitoshi looked at Touya in shock. "But Tou–"

   "Shut up and let me finish small fry!" Touya sighed. "As I was saying... I'm nt exactly responsible am I?"

   Hitoshi grinned and repeated the conversation to Katsuki whih in turn made Kat grin as well. "What the fuck are we waiting for then?! Lets go!"


Mental Scars: A MHA StoryWhere stories live. Discover now