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   Katsuki was officially in the two hero's care a year after the accident. He seemed to adjust well... Well... as well as Katsuki could. 

   "This is fucking stupid." Katsuki hissed with his hands in his pockets. "Why did I have to get lumped with you two idiots?"

   Hitoshi sighed tiredly. "We aren't exactly trilled either. None of us like shopping anyway but today is Dad and pops' first full day off in like forever." Both eight year old's had very "adult" personalities.

   "How about both of you shut up?" Touya gave them a fake ass grin and kept walking through the store. 

   Katsuki growled and was about to make a remark before-

   "Aren't you the kid from the car explosion a couple years ago? That was all over the news! It sparked another debate about quirk mutations."

   Katsuki didn't even see who it came from. 

   Hitoshi rolled his eyes fully expecting the loud response from Katsuki and then the prompt ban of them. When it never came he turned. 

   Katsuki had stopped in the middle of the walkway and was now staring at his shoes. His shoulders were tense and his head hung low. 

   Hitoshi grabbed Touya's arm. "Tou..."

   "What is is small fry?"

   Hitoshi gestured to Katsuki. 

   "What is your quirk anyway kid? How did someone as young as you manage to kill both of his parents when he was 7?"

   Katsuki visibly flinched. He pressed a hand over his mouth as his eyes went wider. He could feel blood rushing behind his hearing aids tuning all words out.

   Touya felt a familiar flame burn in his core. He turned on his heels and marched right back over. "Hey asshole!"

   The woman looked up. 

   Touya walked right up and growled. "How about you mind your own fucking business?"

   Hitoshi carefully tugged Katsuki's hand away from his mouth. "Kat? Kat can you hear me?"

   "Too loud-" Katsuki choked out.

   Hitoshi reached up and pulled Katsuki's hearing aids out. 'Good? Should I get dad?'

   Katsuki pressed his hands over his ears and nodded quickly. 

   "Excuse me! Mind your manners boy." The woman hissed out.

   "Fuck off. You were asking my brother some personal stuff and he clearly didn't like it! He's just a kid you old hag!" Touya snapped out. 

   "Touya! What's going on over here?" Shouta hurried over looking tired of this conversation already. Then he spotted Hitoshi and Katsuki. His expression changed fast. "What happened?"

   "She yelled at Kat!" Touya snapped out. 

   Aizawa glanced at the younger two. "Is he okay?"

   "He's having sensory issues. She... she said something about his parents."

   Shouta frowned. "Miss-"

   "You need to teach these boys some manners! This one has been cursing at me! The blond ignored me-"

   Shouta snapped. "Ma'am you started this. You confronted my kid first and his brother acted accordingly. You are in the wrong here. I won't press charges only because I don't want my boys to have to deal with you again."

   The woman gaped a bit before she turned and shuffled away. 

   Hitoshi glanced back down at the blond. 'Kat?' He signed slowly. 

   Katsuki sucked in a deep breath and pushed away from Hitoshi. "I'm fine." He snatched his hearing aids back. "When the fuck are we getting out of here?"

   Touya rolled his eyes. "Typical sparky..." He muttered under his breath. 

   Katsuki paused a few steps away. "Thanks or whatever. C'mon. I'm starving."

   Shouta smiled a bit. Katsuki was growing. He was glad. 

Mental Scars: A MHA StoryWhere stories live. Discover now