Visiting Hours

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   After dinner Touya stopped by the teachers dorms to grab the hearing aids before he filled out the forms to take Kat and Hitoshi out. Honestly all that paperwork just to take a student off campus was ridiculous... But Touya understood the intent. 

   "Where are we going?" Hitoshi asked as soon as they were out of earshot of the rest of the students. Not that their family was really a secret anymore. They never revealed it but everyone kinda just... found out. 

   "To the hospital." Touya muttered pulling out onto the main road. Usually he would walk... but after everything that happened he figured that wouldn't be the smartest idea. 

   Katsuki suddenly seemed more alert. "Is this about Pops?"

   "Mhmm. He's awake. Dad wanted us to come up there." 

   Katsuki sighed inwardly and leaded back. He felt an immensea amount of relief. "He's gonna be okay?"

   Touya chuckled. "When did you go and get all sappy?"

   The mood was ruined. Katsuki growled. "Shut the fuck up Touya!"

   Touya snorted out a laugh. "He'll be fine. He needs some physical therapy and rest but dad said his injuries weren't that bad."

   Hitoshi smiled. "That's a relief." He turned to Katsuki. 'You good?'

   Katsuki shrugged in response. Hitoshi didn't push. The rest of the ride to the hospital was quiet. 

   Touya personally didn't like hospitals. Hospitals reminded him of his mother... He preferred not to think about her. Especially not with how strange his relationship was with Shoto right now. Besides the memories there were a lot of other things Touya didn't like. The sterile smell, the overwhelming whiteness, the bleak energy in the air.

   He hated them. 

   The glimpse of white hair he saw... A coincidence. He shouldn't be frozen like this. 


   Touya blinked out of his trance. "Yeah. Sorry. I'm tired." He continued down the hall without sparring a glance back to where the white-haired man disappeared. 

   Once at the door he pushed it open carefully. 

   The three were met with the image of the cheery smiling man they called their dad.

   Katsuki let a rare easy smile fall onto his face. 'Hey pops.'

   Hizashi continued to grin. 'Hello boys.'

   Hitoshi nudged Katsuki's shoulder and the two moved forward. 

   Touya waved a little and leaned against the doorframe. He was glad to see pops awake. He was glad that he wasn't actually a traitor. He was glad...

   Why did he feel so numb?

Mental Scars: A MHA StoryWhere stories live. Discover now