USJ Aftermath

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   Hitoshi couldn't sleep. He kept tossing an turning. He kept seeing the image of his dad bloodied and half dead in front of them. And then Papa arrived and the look of pure blankness... And the anger Touya had responded with. The images still replayed in his mind. He hoped dad would be okay. 

   In the years before he would just roll over in bed and call to Kat but since they got their own rooms he couldn't turn to Katsuki as easily. 

   Eventually Hitoshi sat up in bed. Katsuki and him were the only ones home. Touya had a late night patrol, Hitoshi was 99 percent sure Touya took that patrol to keep himself occupied, and Papa was at the hospital with dad. He slipped some house shoes on and made his way to the kitchen where he froze seeing the light on. 

   Katsuki turned as a figure came into the corner of his vision. He suppressed the jump at the sudden arrival. "What the fuck are you doing up?"

   'I couldn't sleep,' Hitoshi signed noticing his brother was missing hearing aids. Not that that was new just... not like this... 'Why are you up?'

   Katsuki sighed and pressed his hearing aids into his ears and turned them on. "I was hungry."

   Hitoshi wasn't buying it. "Katsuki..."

   "What?" Katsuki hissed out bristling like a cat. Somewhere in the other end of the house a cat knocked something off a shelf. 

   "Kat are you okay?" Hitoshi asked. 

   "I'm fucking fine!" Katsuki grabbed his sandwich and tried to pass Hitoshi. 

   Hitoshi huffed and grabbed Katsuki's arm. "Katsuki."

    "What?!" Katsuki snapped again turning to Hitoshi. 

   "What's wrong? Listen I won't talk about it or shit I'm just concerned."

   "Tch. I don't need pity-"

   "This isn't pity and you know it."

   "Let me go!"

   "Not until you say something!"

   There was a faint crackle as Katsuki made a few small explosions in his palm. 

   Hitoshi gripped on tighter knowing that Katsuki wouldn't actually attack him. 

   Katsuki growled and shoved Hitoshi off with a small explosion to add to his force. 

   Hitoshi stumbled back and blinked at Katsuki. "What the hell?"

   "I said shove off!" Katsuki set his sandwich down forgotten. 

   "All I said is that I was concerned!"

   "And I said I'm fucking fine! Stop bothering me!"

   "Katsuki I swear to god- Fucking stop being an asshole!"

   "Stop being so nosy!"

   "I'm worried about you because what we saw was pretty messed up!"

   "Get over it! We're training to be hero's so we need to be better!"

   "Training to be heros or not we're still human, Kat!"

   "We need to be able to prevent shit like that! We have to destroy all the villains so nothing like this shit ever happens!"

   "Katsuki what you're saying makes no sense! In a perfect world there aren't any villains but this world will never fucking be perfect!"

   "No shit! You think?!??"

   "What is your point here???"


   Hitoshi stepped back lightly watching Katsuki snap. "Shit... Kat. That wasn't your fault... This wasn't like your parents..."

   Katsuki huffed crossing his arms. "Wasn't it?"

   "No. Of course not! Dad was fighting by his own choice. It's his job. He's a pro hero. None of that was on you. And your parents deaths weren't on you either."

   "Don't fucking lie to me."

   "You were a child Katsuki. You couldn't control your quirk properly If the same situation happened now would you have done the same?"

   Kastuki went quiet finally. "Tch... No..."

   "See? That wasn't on you Kat..." Hitoshi reached out to touch Katsuki on the shoulder. 

   Katsuki huffed and wiped his eyes tryign to ignore the tears. "Whatever."

   Hitoshi sighed and leaned against the kitchen counter. "We're pretty fucker up aren't we?"

   Katsuki snorted out a laugh. 

   The purple haired boy smiled. "Wanna play video games until Touya gets back?"

   "Fuck no! My sleep schedule has suffered enougth already!"

   Hitoshi doubled over laughing. 'Whatever old man. get some sleep."

  The blond rolled his eyes and turned to leave.

   "Hey Kat?"

   Katsuki stopped and glanced over his shoulder. 

   "Glad you're my brother."

   Katsuki rolled his eyes and turned to hide his smile. "Whatever eyebags. Go the fuck to sleep." He tromped up the stairs toward his room. 

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