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   "Shouta!!!" A cry broke said man from his sleep. 

   Shouta frowned trying to work out what was going on. What? What was happening? Who was calling?

   "Shouta! Help!" 

   Shouta jolted out of bed. Touya. Touya was calling for help. He took off out of the room and down the stairs. "Touya!"

   Touya was at the front door holding a small boy with the door open. He looked up with horror on his face. "I-I.. I was getting a drink and there was a banging and I opened the door to check and he just fell. I didn't know what to do!" 

   Shouta kneeled beside the two and looked over the smaller boy. He looked so small like he had been out for a while. "Give him here. Get the first aid okay? And water."

   Touya nodded shakily and went to run and get the first aid kit. 

   Shouta moved the boy to the couch carefully. He was seriously undernourished. Why was a boy this young out there anyway?

   Touya returned and handed both items over. He stood back fiddling with his hands. For a ten year old he still looked so small.

   Shouta went about assessing the boy for injures. It didn't look like anything physical aside from bruises and scrapes. Just exhaustion. 

   A moment passed and Mic came around the corner bleary eyed with one hearing aid in. 'What happened?'

   Touya glanced over. 'Look.' He responded. He only knew a few signs so far. His hands were shaking to much to be helpful anyway...

   Mic trudged over. When he saw the scene he woke up a bit more. "Sho what happened?"

   "I don't know. Touya shouted for help and I came to find him with the door open and this boy passed out."

   Hizashi nodded and went to close the door. A glance at the clock told him it was 4 AM. "What should we do?"

   "Wait for him to wake up. If his condition is bad we'll take him to the hospital."

   A moment of silence passed. "Is he gonna be okay, dad...?" Touya whispered shakily. 

   Shouta glanced up. "He'll be fine Touya. You did good."

   Touya sighed in relief. "Okay..."

   "Mic can you get Touya some breakfast. I don't think he'll be sleeping."

   Hizashi blinked before nodding. "Come on little listener. I'll make some eggs."

  Touya hesitated before following Hizashi with his hands in his pockets. 

Mental Scars: A MHA StoryWhere stories live. Discover now