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   "Shut the fuck up!" 

   Oh was a joy to wake up to. Katsuki yelling. As the weeks dragged on it became more and more clear that Katsuki wasn't leaving. (Like Shouta and Hizashi were really going to let the boy leave anyway.)

   "Katsuki chill out!" 

   "Shut up Hitoshi! He started it when he stole them!"

   "I literally did nothing. You're just being a baby about this shit!"

   So much for the agreement, Touya made about not antagonizing Katsuki. Shouta sighed and nudged his husband.

   Hizashi groaned and opened one eye. He made a confused face.

   'Your turn.' Shouta signed gesturing toward the door.


   'The boys are fighting.'

   Hizashi rolled over confused and grabbed his hearing aids. He winced as the yelling reached him. "Oh god..."

   "Good luck." Shouta murmured pulling a pillow over his head and trying to go back to sleep. He deserved the rest after his late-night patrol.

   Hizashi sighed and pushed himself out of bed. The door opened with a creak (stupid new squeaky hinges) alerting the boys to his presence.

   Touya immediately stuffed his hands into his pockets. "I didn't do anything!"

   "Like hell!" Katsuki hissed. "He has my hearing aid!"


   "I don't! He lost one of them!" Touya huffed.

   "I never lose anything Shitface!"

   "Katsuki stop yelling." Hitoshi jumped in. "Touya knows better!"

   "Like fuck he does! He's been a jerk since day one! Just tell him to give it back!" Katsuki growled popping and crackling in his hands. 

   Hizashi sighed and rubbed his eyes. It was far too early for this. "Touya tell me the truth. Please."

   "I really don't have it!" Touya huffed. "I've been in my room all morning! I just got up to get some cereal and Katsuki started yelling at me."

   "Okay. I believe you. Do either of you have any idea where it could be?" Hizashi asked addressing both of the boys that had been in his care longer.

   Touya huffed and shook his head.

   Hitoshi shook his head as well.

   Katsuki was shaking with rage still. "Liars! I already looked all over the rest of the house. 

   "You two can go. Let me talk to Katsuki alone."

   Touya rolled his eyes and left the room heading toward the kitchen with a huff. 

   Hitoshi hesitated before he turned and left picking up Yin and stroking her fur on the way.

   Hizashi turned to the remaining boy and sighed. "Katsuki-"

   "What?" he hissed out. "I need it and he-"

   "Katsuki!" Mic rubbed his eyes. "You've been very dependent on those hearing aids since you got them. If you wear them too long it could be hurtful."

   "What!? That's ridiculous. They feel fine and I need to be able to fucking hear idiot!" Katsuki snapped. 

   "You haven't been taking JSL seriously. If you paid attention it would be a lot easier to communicate even without the hearing aids."

   "It's fucking stupid! If I had been more careful back then it wouldn't have happened anyway and I wouldn't need any of this shit." Katsuki snapped crossing his arms. 

   "Katsuki..." Mic sighed and kneeled down. "Look kiddo. Things happen. When I was a kid I made my birth parents go deaf with my quirk. So they gave me up. I spent ages in the foster system because of my destructive quirk."

   Katsuki stared at the floor with an angry face. Hizashi noticed the boy's shoulders shaking and angry tears building in the boy's eyes. 

   "I was fully deaf before my moms adopted me. I could hardly talk and barely knew sign. I hated it because I felt... broken. When I got my first pair of hearing aids I didn't take them out for three months unless my moms made me. But then I met this kid. A little girl about your age. I was maybe 15 at the time and was just starting UA. She had cancer and because of that, her hearing was damaged." Hizashi thought back on the event fondly and reminded himself to visit her grave soon. "She looked at me like I was the sun. She signed to me that she was glad someone like her could be a hero. She died a few months after that. From then on I focused not on the fact that I was disabled but on the fact that my disability could inspire others. Do you understand Little Listener?" Hizashi put a hand on Katsuki's shoulder. 

   Katsuki sniffled and wiped his eyes. He shrugged the hand off. "Yeah... whatever." A moment passed and he lifted his hands shakily.  'Can you help me find it?'

   Hizashi smiled. "Sure kid. If it makes you feel better."

  Katsuki shrugged and went to go look for his hearing aid somewhere else in the house. 

Mental Scars: A MHA StoryWhere stories live. Discover now