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   Touya couldn't stand being in the hospital for long. He sat on the curb with a cigarette ready to be lit. He tried not to make a habit of this but sometimes he couldn't help it. They helped his stress. He lifted a finger with a small flame to the end of the cigarette. 

   "You're not supposed to have those on hospital property. Besides, they'll kill you."

   The flame on Touya's fingertip sputtered out. He looked up through his bangs. "I know."

   The man took a seat on the curb. The white coat from before had been discarded leaving him in a t-shirt and jeans now. A tag on his shirt read 'medical student.' "Are you losing someone?"

   Touya sighed. "No. I just don't like hospitals."

   "I see."

   Touya didn't know how to proceed with this conversation. Did Shoto tell him? Was he just messing with Touya? What was he supposed to do now?

   "I get that... I didn't like them for a while either. I felt... angry cuz they couldn't save my brother. But then I figured I could be better and prevent accidents like that from taking lives. I didn't want someone else to suffer like that..." 

   He didn't know then. "That's a noble cause."

   "It is. I like to think he'd be proud of me. We always said we'd be heroes together someday but my quirk isn't exactly the most powerful. Sometimes... Sometimes I'm pretty sure he's still out there." The other chuckled rubbing his neck.

   Touya huffed at the irony. "Mine is almost too powerful. Honestly I'm shocked I even managed to become a hero sometimes."

   "You're a hero?"

   Shit. Touya didn't mean to say that. "Yeah."

   The other man grinned. "That's awesome! My younger brother is training to be a hero!"

   Touya suppressed the urge to say 'I know.' He also chuckled inwardly at the way Natsuo skirted around Endeavor completely. 

    Silence fell over the pair. After a moment the younger stood. "I should head home. My sister is probably waiting for me."

   Touya found himself standing as well. When did Natsuo get so tall..? He was always bigger despite being younger but... still. "Yeah. It was nice talking to you Mr..." Touya was shocked to see he meant it. Natsuo and himself had always gotten along better than the rest of the siblings. 

   The younger smiled. "It's Natsuo. Hey, stay away from those death sticks okay..." He held out a hand and lifted at the end of his sentence. He wanted a name...

   Touya took his hand and paused. Should he..? "Thanks... It's Touya." Touya could see the slight twitch at the name. And then the gears spinning. Natsuo had seen his quirk. Natsuo was to smart to not get the picture... He could see the exact moment his younger brother figured it out. 

   Natsuo's smile melted off his face. "What...?"

   Touya rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess Shoto kept his promise of not telling anyone."

   "You... Shoto?"

   "Oh yeah. He probably didn't tell you I was his teacher either. Listen Natsu... It's a long story-"

   Touya was cut off as the taller brother tackled him to the grass with a hug. His breath escaped him. 


   Touya was stunned before his breath returned. "Ouch..."

   Natsuo scrambled up. "Shit! Did I hurt you? Are you okay?"

   Touya found himself laughing in a way he didn't remember. "I'm fine! I'm a pro hero remember? You can't really hurt me."

   Natsuo sighed in relief before his face changed again. "I thought you were dead..."

   This is what Touya had been expecting. "I- I really don't have much of an excuse..."

   Silence met the pair again. "Listen. Fuyumi and I don't live with Endeavor. You have to come visit."


   "No! Come visit. Just once..?"

   Touya mulled the offer over for what felt like several minutes. "Okay... I'll come visit."


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