Blind and Deaf

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   Hizashi knew what had happened. He knew that he had been taken by villains. He knew the villains had to have something to gain. It wasn't a ransom and it wasn't to kill him. Most likely... it was information they wanted. But not from him. They wanted information from UA. That's why that one villain took his hair. He must have had some sort of cloning or transformation quirk. 

   Hizashi wasn't stupid. 

   The muzzle was a painful memory but it wasn't something he couldn't bear. He knew that eventually someone would notice something odd. Someone would look for him. Someone would.....

   How long had it been? He had been moved several times he knew that much. Enough time had passed that his facial hair was starting to become a mess. It was always pretty hot and muggy. Summer? Had it really been months?

   They had to notice something strange. How could they not? His family saw it surely. They were coming. They were coming... They wanted him. 

   Hizashi hated missing his hearing aids and glasses. He could make out a few words on his captors lips but nothing substantial. Nothing to aid his escape. 

   God he was so tired. He wanted to be home in his bed. He wanted Shouta and the cats and his kids. He wanted to get out of here. 

   Hizashi felt so alone. This captivity felt eerily like his time in orphanages as a child. The muzzle, the lack of sound. He wanted to go home-


   Hizashi repeated the words to himself like a mantra. Everyday. Morning to night (at least he thought so. It was hard to tell time here.) He slept a lot. It passed time. He imagined the welcome home he would get when he escaped. He imagined a day where his sons didn't bicker. Maybe the family would go out to dinner?

   Sometimes he planned future shows. It would be a good idea to have a bunch ready so he could catch up. The fake that was in his place surely hadn't done a good job. 

   Hizashi knew he was being delusional. Likely, things wouldn't be all that nice when he got out. There would be fighting and bloodshed. Maybe some issues with the law because of whatever his fake did. The blond got a headache just thinking about it. 

   Hizashi felt the shaking more than heard it. He opened his eyes and furrowed his brows together. That was odd... He often heard fights occurring but that sounded... close. 

   Light shown into the bunker and then promptly disappeared. 

   A man stumbled down the stairs confirming Hizashi's suspicions. A look-a-like. A copy of himself. He seemed panicked. Something about kids and war and villains. None of those things sounded all that great...

   Once again light shown into the area. His two captors and the look-a-like whirled around and got into defensive stances. 

   Whoever this person was, they weren't on these guys side. 

   Finally blue flames licked the area and split the three apart. A figure stormed down the stairs and took down the captors and the fake easily. He looked up and froze in place. 'Papa.' Hizashi could make out the word easily. 

   Hizashi grinned wildly behind the muzzle. 'Touya!' He shouted muffled into the metal. 

   Touya stepped over the unconscious villains and yanked the contraption off his fathers face. 'We found him!!!' Touya shouted to someone behind him. Who else was here?

   Two more figures appeared. They were younger...

   Hizashi jolted and he glared at Touya. How dare he bring Katsuki and Hitoshi along!??

   Touya could hear the lecture even as his dad remained silent. 'Don't worry pops. We'll get you out of here...'

   Hizashi sighed in relief. He was so exhausted... Maybe he could... rest just a... little...

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