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   Hizashi knew Shouta was part of something big. He knew it was dangerous. He knew his husband was working with several heros on this. He knew that some of the intern students, Including Midoriya, were part of it. He was glad as hell that Katsuki and Hitoshi weren't. Whatever this was seemed dangerous. 

   The morning Shouta left he kissed Hizashi goodbye. Hizashi tried to ignore the way his heart clenched. This seemed an awful lot like a goodbye. 

   Hizashi almost had a heart attack when he learned what had happened. His husband was part of a raid on a powerful yakuza. He was injured! Several other heros were injured with one being mortally wounded. Students were injured with one of the top students at UA losing his quirk. All of this was about a dangerous drug and a little girl. 

   Hizashi could understand the reasoning but that didn't make it better. These students were put in harms way when this should have been left to pros. His husband wasn't allowed to even talk about what was happening. Honestly he could care less about how "successful" the raid was. 

   And then Shouta told him about the girl...


   She was so small and alone. Hizashi knew what was going to happen as soon as Shouta brought her up. 

   "Her quirk is dangerous. Chisaki used her to develop the drug that affected Mirio." 

   "Used her how?"

   "Look at her! Do you see those scars on her?"

   Hizashi's shirt felt way too tight on his throat. The scars on his neck began to itch... "How is she..?"

   Shouta sighed glancing through the window at the quarantined girl. "She's got a fever still. The doctors think her quirk came from the horn on her head. It's shrunk after the raid. They're not taking any chanced though. That's why I'm still here."

   "I see." Hizashi sighed. "And after her sickness goes away?"

   "Not determined yet. She'll most likely be in my care still." 

   Hizashi didn't respond at first. "We haven't raised a girl yet."

   A snort escaped Shouta. "Yeah. I know Sunshine."

   "She's so small..."

   "I know."

   "This is a different case from the boys."

    "...I know..." 

   "Do you think we can handle it?" Hizashi finally turned to look at his husband. 

   Shouta gave a tired smile. "Of course we can."

   Hizashi nodded and wrapped his husband into a hug. "Are you okay..?"

   Shouta leaned into the hug. "Yeah. I'm okay." 



   "That doesn't even sound like a word anymore." Hizashi chuckled. 

   Shouta huffed out a laugh. "Shut up Zashi."

   "Ouch." Hizashi went quiet as he looked over Shouta's head and into the hospital room. The poor girl was so small. Hizashi was thankful that she had been rescued. No child deserved something like that. 

Mental Scars: A MHA StoryWhere stories live. Discover now