✨Chapter 1✨

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Tang Shan had a nightmare.

He gasped as he sat up in a rush, the damp smell of air and the clear sounds of rain gradually becoming even more vibrant…

So this was reality.

He looked around. It seemed as if he were in a different world; the room was entirely unfamiliar to him, and yet he was able to identify that this was his room—it was an indescribable and contradictory feeling.

At that moment, the cuckoo clock hanging opposite him began to call eight times, indicating that it was eight o’ clock. He was aware that his circadian clock caused him to awaken at eight, so he did wake up at the right time. However, he had no recollection of the existence of the cuckoo clock at all. Things felt completely normal, and yet unusual at the same time.

He looked around again, surveying the area. The room was simply furnished with only a study table and chair, as well as the bed he was on.

The curtains by the bed were tightly shut, allowing only a glimmer of light to pass through. This caused the room to seem dark and humid. There was also a cactus on the windowsill. On the table was a book that lay open with a long, gold plated bookmark in the middle, as if he had been in the midst of reading it.

He got off the bed and walked to the table, picking up the book. Even after briefly looking through it, however, he still had no recollection of the title. He wasn’t clear about the contents of the book either. Had he really read it before?

He skimmed through the book, and yet still held no memories of having read it. Eventually, he flipped to the first page and began to read the first chapter.

I felt the tilting of time under the bright sun along with the formless rain, the sleek wind, and our stillness.

It was a poetic romance novel. After reading just this line, he could already feel his head starting to hurt.

He thought to himself, “I must have been either possessed or had a screw loose to have read this book.” The main point, though, was that he was completely unfamiliar with the book. Yet, it was on the study table in his room.

These foreign feelings of unreality made him feel as if he were on the verge of going mad—he needed a breath of fresh air.

He walked to the only door in the room. The gold, round door handle felt unusually cold in his hand.

He opened the door. The hallway was dark and no light was able to enter. The only place that was bright was at the end of the hallway, and he made his way towards it, gradually hearing the sounds of people talking.

From what he could hear, it sounded like two people conversing.

Having left the hallway and gone down the wooden staircase, he found that the furnishings gave off a warm and cozy impression. Most of the furniture was made of wood, and there were also decorative ceramic gnomes half the size of a man. They were randomly arranged in small groups, where each of them smiled brightly at the other.

He scanned the area and finally managed to find the owners of the voices in the kitchen.

It was an open kitchen, so he was able to see the people inside as he got closer. There was a ginger young man sitting by the dining table, plates already empty, and there was also half a glass of juice. The young man was chatting with a person he could not see.

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