✨Chapter 3✨

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After spending an hour or so in the bath, Tang Shan carefully walked out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. He was still having mixed feelings about the whole situation, and was thus extremely relieved that Li Yuanyu wasn't waiting on the other side of the door.

He looked around carefully, making sure that Li Yuanyu really wasn't around, and quickly put on the clothes left out for him. After he was dressed, he was suddenly struck with the awareness that he had no idea what he should do.

He stood where he was, unsure.

The sound of rain pelting against the windowpanes began to lower in intensity. Within the house, it was so silent that it was scary, the damp and dark hallway giving off an ominous aura.

The door to his room was half-open, the slightest hint of light peeking through.

He plucked up his courage and went forward to investigate, only to be met with the sight of Li Yuanyu flipping through the artistic romance novel on his table.

Come to think of it, Li Yuanyu was probably the owner of the book.

Tang Shan convinced himself of this fact and decided to leave the room. He didn't feel like having anything to do with the man at the moment, but once he took a step backwards, he bumped into the door behind him, resulting in a large creak.

"Damn it!" Tang Shan cursed silently.

"You're done bathing." Li Yuanyu gave him a kind smile, saying nothing of his clumsiness.

That disarming smile rendered Tang Shan momentarily speechless. He'd never seen any man as beautiful and enchanting as Li Yuanyu was.

Tang Shan came back to himself, gasping at his outrageous thoughts. He turned away and ducked his head, unwilling to look at Li Yuanyu's face.

Li Yuanyu gave an extremely defeated smile and proceeded to get up from his chair.

Tang Shan furrowed his eyebrows in nervousness, glaring at Li Yuanyu's feet. He could see them gradually coming closer to him, and all he could do was retreat till he was out of the room, his back against the wall of the hallway.

"Am I Medusa?" Li Yuanyu teased him albeit unhappily, in response to his obvious desire to escape. Tang Shan stayed silent.

"Don't be afraid, I just want to go to the bathroom. It's my turn to shower." That said, Li Yuanyu walked off in the direction of the bathroom.

The moment he left, Tang Shan immediately heaved a sigh of relief, sliding onto the floor as he felt his strength leave him.

The rain finally stopped and the sound of rainfall no longer lingered. In exchange, he heard the sound of water trickling in the bathroom nearby. At the thought of Li Yuanyu naked in there, Tang Shan gulped, his heart rate increasing.

He couldn't stay any longer; it was just too dangerous! He couldn't control his own mind, and to even fantasize about Li Yuanyu in the nude...

He didn't want to admit the existence of his desires for Li Yuanyu!

So he escaped.

In a small town where he had no sense of direction and everything was foreign to him, he ran alone, with no purpose and no idea where he could go. All he wanted to do was escape from Li Yuanyu.

He ran till he was tired and his stamina completely diminished, to the point that he could no longer move. Only then did he stop.

He realized that the scenery around him was completely different, which indicated he'd run outside of the places that Li Yuanyu had brought him to- He was now completely lost.

He surveyed the area carefully. At one end was a place that seemed like a plaza or square, while there was a stone staircase on the other end. He was at the bottom of the staircase, which made him curious about the scenery above.

Just as he was about to climb up, he was stopped.

"Mr Tang Shan! What a coincidence to meet you here!"

A lady wearing the uniform of a policewoman on patrol advanced towards him, adjusting her ill-fitted pants as she walked. Her smile was extremely bright, as if she was familiar with him.

"You know me?"

The policewoman, was stunned for a moment, and asked confusedly, "Of course I know you, is there anyone in this town who doesn't? What's wrong with you? Why would you ask me something like that?"

"Why is it natural for everyone in this town to know me?" Tang Shan retorted.

"You're Mr Li's partner, everyone obviously knows you. Ah... Oh no, don't tell me you lost your memories again?" The policewoman began to answer, before she reacted. Her voice was incredibly piercing with her high energy and register.

Tang Shan could feel his ears throb in pain and raised his arm to cover one of them. He moved one step backwards, trying to put some distance between them.

"Why isn't Mr Li with you?" The policewoman peered behind Tang Shan but saw no one there.

"When you say Mr Li, do you mean Li Yuanyu?"

"Of course, who else would it be? That's strange, why would Mr Li let you go around alone? That doesn't make sense." The policewoman found it strange.

Tang Shan didn't want to explain further. He went on to ask, "Is Mr Li a very famous person?"

The policewoman began to laugh out loud, as if she'd heard something incredulous.

Tang Shan was unbelievably embarrassed. Was this a very stupid question?

She ceased her exaggerated laughter before answering, "Mr Li is the manager of this place. He's something like the mayor here."

"He's something like the mayor here? So he's not really the mayor?"

"He can't really be considered the mayor, since we don't belong to the government. To be strict about this, Mr Li would be something like the king here. Your partner is an extremely outstanding individual." The policewoman shook her head as she sighed, "If I were ten years younger, I'd definitely use all available methods to try and climb into Mr Li's bed."

"Go on and climb, I definitely won't mind or even stop you," Tang Shan thought inwardly. However, he had no guts to actually say such disrespectful words out loud.

"Are you free now? I wanted to look around, so do you think you could accompany me?" Tang Shan suggested.

"I can't do that, I have to continue patrolling later. I can find someone in this town who's incredibly free to accompany you, though." The policewoman immediately spoke into her walkie-talkie, "Anyone in Area 510, please tell Jake to come to 603, Mr Tang Shan is here."

Moments later, Jake appeared looking annoyed, complaining at the policewoman as soon as he arrived.

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