✨Chapter 16✨

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Ever since those strange thoughts started to appear, he warned himself and stayed away from Li Yuanyu for a while. Coincidentally, the weather was ugly and it rained buckets for several days.

“If I may, Mr Tang Shan, could you please stop this? It’s really hard for me to go out for groceries with the weather like this.” Marie was complaining again because of the rain.

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Marie. I have nothing to do with the rain. Stop blaming me for it,” Tang Shan retorted, trying to convey his innocence.

“Oh you! How oblivious! You're so blissfully oblivious!” Marie shouted, pointing at his nose.

This made Tang Shan more confused.

“Believe me, as long as you go out with Master, it will turn sunny! At least cloudy, if not sunny!” Marie proclaimed.

What kind of logic was that? This wasn’t some fairytale.

“What are you talking about?” Li Yuanyu came into the kitchen when he heard their voices after coming downstairs.

“Mr Tang Shan was saying he wanted to eat out with you this afternoon,” Marie said first.

Hey! I said no such thing! Tang Shan frowned, but Marie returned a look: Let’s bet on it.

“Really?” Li Yuanyu looked to Tang Shan with a smile.

“Uh, yeah.” Tang Shan mustered a reply. He simply couldn’t reject the man with a bright expression on his usually gloomy face.

The restaurant was near the villa. The owner was kind and stopped them for a photo before they could leave, saying it was rare that the rain stopped. Tang Shan wanted to turn down the offer but she was so quick that the photo had been taken before he could do anything.


“It’s fine. Whatever.”

“Yeah, for you. You were looking at the camera but I wasn’t ready,” Tang Shan complained. Of course, he wasn’t so inconsiderate as to demand for the owner to destroy it.

Li Yuanyu was in a good mood even after the meal on their way home.

“Are you feeling better?”

“Yes. Because of you.”

“Me?” Tang Shan was puzzled.

“I noticed you’ve been avoiding me for the past few days and thought maybe you grew to dislike me. But now it’s all good,” he explained with a smile.

But he really was avoiding him. Tang Shan managed to smile back.

“Tang Shan,” Li Yuanyu called his name out of nowhere and stopped walking.

The man in question halted as well and looked at him. Li Yuanyu’s eyes twinkled brightly like stars, mesmerizing him.

“Joseph – can I call you Joseph?”


Tang Shan broke away from those eyes and returned to his senses.

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