✨Chapter 7✨

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Tang Shan and Li Yuanyu sat side by side at the table, Jake opposite them. There was a whole variety of dishes on the table, amongst which were the main dishes- the roasted chicken and Borscht.

"Borscht?" Jake was quite surprised and glanced at Tang Shan.

"Tang Shan wanted it." Li Yuanyu explained simply.

"Oh..." Jake looked doubtful.

Tang Shan didn't look at either of them during the course of the conversation, and once Li Yuanyu asked them them to dig in, he quickly tried a spoonful of the Borscht.


This is just the normal Borscht? Tang Shan was stunned at the taste, not expecting the shock and disappointment it brought him.

He didn't find this bowl of soup to be special in any way. It was just your usual Borscht.

Tang Shan's face went through a myriad of changes, his expression complicated. Eventually, he settled on a look of obvious disappointment.

"Does the soup... not suit your tastes?" Li Yuanyu had been watching his expressions, and he'd definitely seen the different emotions cross his face.

"No," Tang Shan lowered his arm and placed the soupspoon by the plate. He was in inner turmoil, confused as to why he had liked such an ordinary soup so much.

"What's wrong?" Li Yuanyu began to get nervous.

"It's nothing," Tang Shan couldn't even pretend to smile. "Sorry, I'm not very hungry, you two should go ahead. I- I'll head back to my room and get some rest."

He stood up, ready to leave while he spoke. Feeling quite terrible and confused, he lacked the energy to interact with anyone then.

"Tang Shan?!" Li Yuanyu grabbed ahold of him.

Tang Shan retracted his hand in reflex, his movement so wide that he overturned some of the plates on the table. The Borscht spilled and porcelain plates fell to the ground, smashing into a million pieces upon impact.

"Holy crap! What are you doing!" Jake cried out in alarm as he pulled his chair a back, avoiding the small shards that flew his way.

Compared with his hastiness, the two other people in the dining room were still and seemingly motionless.

What kind of drama was this! Jake complained, "Come on! Don't get awkward around each other at this time!"

Tang Shan was so tired that he was expressionless, letting Li Yuanyu stare at him as he liked.

Li Yuanyu tilted his head a little but did not shift his gaze, and commanded Jake who was next to him, "Get a broom, pick up the pieces and clean it up."

"Hey, I'm your guest!" he protested.


Jake rubbed his nose sulkily but still left obediently.

Li Yuanyu stood up, quietly approaching Tang Shan and grabbed his hand.

Tang Shan obviously wanted to retreat, but he was unexpectedly swung over Li Yuanyu's shoulder! Everything spun before his eyes as his body was in mid-air, causing him to feel dizzy for an instant.

"Let- let me down!" Tang Shan had both his hands cupping his mouth, looking as if he was about to vomit. He'd closed his eyes to avoid the inverted scenery in front of him, for fear he'd get more nauseous.

He was eventually left on the sofa in the living room. Tang Shan kept his eyes closed throughout, hands still covering his mouth while looking quite sick.

"Are you going to be sick?" Li Yuanyu brought the trashcan in the corner to him and wiped the cold sweat off his face.

Tang Shan was feeling so uncomfortable that he didn't even feel like rejecting Li Yuanyu. He glanced at him weakly while he hugged the trashcan wordlessly. Everything came to a standstill for a moment, and then he began to spew out the soup.

Li Yuanyu patted his back, looking guilty. "I'm sorry, I was overeager and forgot you'd be nauseous from that. I'm sorry," he apologised twice. It was clear he blamed himself.

Tang Shan suddenly understood the significance of the Borscht. It was a signal for the two of them to reconcile, and could also be used as an apology.

"Oi! Li Yuanyu! Why's there blood on the floor?" Once he was done with sweeping the kitchen, Jake followed the trail of bloodstains out, only to gesture wildly at Li Yuanyu's feet as he made alarmed sounds. "You stepped on the fragments, don't you feel anything? Gosh, you're bleeding so much! Ugh... I can't take it anymore, I have a phobia of blood!"

Tang Shan looked up and was stunned upon seeing Li Yuanyu's bleeding foot. The wooden floor was filled with bloodied footprint stains. He finally understood why he'd been hoisted up- it was so he could avoid the fragments.

This man was so, so stupid.

"Tang Shan! Why are you crying?!" Li Yuanyu exclaimed in worry, hastily wiping away Tang Shan's continuous tears.

Tang Shan had no idea why he was crying, but tears kept welling up. He couldn't control himself, and all he did was stare at Li Yuanyu's continuously bleeding foot.

Li Yuanyu hugged him tightly, constantly murmuring words of comfort, "It's fine, I'm fine. Don't worry. I'm fine, I'll take care of it later. Don't worry about me."

Tang Shan did not seem to feel better even with that and tears began to fall even more fervently, amidst his frustration and discomfort. However, he had no clue where all these intense emotions were coming from.

Not knowing how to deal with him, he turned and spoke to Jake, who had squatted down due to his haemophobia. "Jake, get the first aid kit for me," he pointed in a direction.

"Alright," Jake stood up with some difficulty and brought it over. As he got closer, he accidentally saw the blood that had gathered. In that instant, he got dizzy, got soft at the knees, and actually fainted.

Tang Shan looked past Li Yuanyu to Jake, and as he fell, the first aid kit dropped as well. The objects within were scattered all over.

Li Yuanyu was about to get up and retrieve them, but Tang Shan stopped him.

"Don't move, let me do it." He sat Li Yuanyu down on the sofa.

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